What is the difference between HTML sitemaps and XML sitemaps?

Both HTML and XML sitemaps have uses for search engine optimization and website navigation. A list of website pages with clickable links is presented in an HTML sitemap, which is intended for human visitors and helps with navigation. It enhances user experience and makes it simple for visitors to find pertinent stuff. An XML sitemap, on the other hand, is created specifically for search engines and includes an organized list of all website URLs to aid in crawling and indexing. XML sitemaps improve website ranking and inclusion in search results as well as search engine visibility. While XML sitemaps help search engines better locate websites, HTML sitemaps are better for users.

What is HTML Sitemap?

A web page designed exclusively for human website users, known as an HTML sitemap, provides a systematic list of links to various pages and parts inside the website. Users can get a fast overview of the website's design and content organization with this navigational tool.HTML sitemaps improve user experience by making information accessible. XML sitemaps are intended for search engines, whereas users can see them on the website. For simple access, they are frequently linked in the site's header or footer.

How to Create HTML Sitemap?

  • Create a sitemap − List all of your website's primary pages and sections that you want to include in the sitemap. Put them in a logical arrangement, such a hierarchy or a specific category.

  • Create HTML File − Making the HTML file To make a new HTML file, use a text editor or an HTML editor like Notepad++, Sublime Text, or Visual Studio Code.

  • HTML Structure − Begin by incorporating the following fundamental parts into the HTML structure −

  • Sitemap material should be added − Make an ordered or unordered list (ul> or ol>) within the body> tag to display the links. Use the li> (list item) element for each link.

  • Content for the sitemap should be added − To display the links, create an ordered or unordered list (ul> or ol>) inside the body> tag. For each link, use the li> (list item) element.

  • Save and upload − the HTML document using a suitable filename, like "sitemap.html." the file to the server hosting your website.

  • Link − Include a link to the sitemap in the bottom or header of your website so that visitors may access it quickly from any page.

What is XML Sitemap?

An XML sitemap is a file comprising URLs and metadata, such as page priorities, update intervals, and last changed dates. By making it easier to find website information, it tries to improve search engine indexing. XML sitemaps aid search engine bots in comprehending website architecture and determining which pages to index first. Webmasters use webmaster tools or robots.txt to send XML sitemaps to search engines. This helps people looking for similar material and makes sure all relevant pages are indexed, increasing the website's exposure in search engine results.

How Do Search Engines Use XML Sitemaps?

Search engines utilize XML sitemaps as a map to quickly find and index a website's content. A search engine bot searches for the XML sitemap when it crawls a website in order to acquire a complete list of all URLs on the site. Search engines can better focus their crawling efforts by using the vital data about the latest changed date, update frequency, and page priority provided by the XML sitemap. Search engines can make sure that all pertinent pages are indexed and included in their search results by examining the sitemap, which will ultimately increase the website's exposure and accessibility to users looking for related content.

Need of XML Sitemaps

It is strongly advised that you have an XML sitemap for your website. Search engines can quickly browse and index the content of your website using an XML sitemap. Search engines can better comprehend the structure of your site and decide which pages to index by providing an organized list of all your URLs together with other metadata. This increases the visibility of your website in search engine results and makes sure that all pertinent pages are included. An XML sitemap improves your website's search engine optimization (SEO) and general performance by increasing the likelihood that people will find and access your web pages when looking for relevant material.

Difference Between HTML and XML Sitemap


HTML Sitemap

XML Sitemap


An HTML sitemap is a web page that contains a list of links to various pages on a website. It is primarily intended for human visitors. By offering a structured and simple navigation, it seeks to enhance user experience by assisting users in finding specific material quickly.

A website's URLs are listed in detail in an XML sitemap, which is a file that search engines use to better crawl, index, and display websites in search results.


An HTML sitemap is shown to website users as a web page that is written in the HTML markup language.

An XML sitemap is created in XML and is not intended for human readers. Although not immediately available to customers, it is machine-readable.


This tool is mostly used for human navigation and is frequently placed in a website's header or footer to assist visitors in locating pertinent material.

This tool is only used by search engines to effectively index a website's content. Webmasters use webmaster tools or the robots.txt file to submit XML sitemaps to search engines.


User-friendly language descriptions and links are included in the HTML sitemap, which is designed for easy human comprehension.

Allows search engines to effectively scan and index the site because it simply contains URLs and extra metadata, such as the latest modified date and priority.


In conclusion, sitemaps in both HTML and XML are crucial for search engine optimization and website navigation. An HTML sitemap makes it easier for human visitors to access the pertinent material by offering a list of clickable, user-friendly links. A website's URLs can be efficiently crawled and indexed by search engines with the use of an XML sitemap, which improves search engine exposure. By making certain that all pertinent pages are indexed and available to users, webmasters can enhance the functionality of their website. A website that uses both sorts of sitemaps is more optimized for users and search engines.

Updated on: 18-Aug-2023


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