What are sitemaps? How to create them?

A sitemap is the map of a website showing the location of pages. These sitemaps are formatted for Search Engine Optimization and to streamline the user experience.

There are different types of sitemaps. They can be Standard sitemaps, Content-based such as videos, images etc.,

How to Create a Sitemap

There are a lot of plugins available that automatically create a sitemap. People who use WordPress can create a sitemap with a few simple clicks. For simple websites, these plugins work fine.

There are very good options for SEO for WordPress by Yoast, which has a built-in sitemap generator, or Google XML Sitemaps Generator by Arne Brachhold. You can use either of these. Once these plugins are installed and activated they will automatically generate a sitemap for your site.

Updated on: 27-Jun-2020


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