What is the difference between freedom of information and information privacy?

Freedom of Information − Freedom of Information (FOI) is a concept that broadly define the principle that individuals and the public at-large have the right to access information that is relevant to their interests.

The United Nations identifies freedom of information as a basic human right. The UN argues that FOI provides that governments can be held accountable by providing institutional transparency, and as such, it is essential for the maintenance of the Rule of Law inside a jurisdiction.

Freedom of information define a citizen's right to access information that is influence by the state. In some countries, this freedom is provided as a constitutional right. A major principle of FOI regulations and practices is the facilitation of public access to information about occupational health and security problems that are influence by the government. Individuals are identified as having specific rights to access government-held information about themselves.

Freedom of information was developed for transparency, government accountability, education and general public preservation against mismanagement and exploitation. More than 70 countries with government description approved the initial freedom of information legislation.

The principle of freedom of information is generally associated to the “right to know” principle. In occupational health and safety terms, "right to know" supports employees with the right to know and learn what chemicals and other hazards they can be exposed to inside the workplace. OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard is an example of a "right to know" regulation that assure that employees have access to information about hazardous element used in the workplace.

Information Privacy − Privacy can be represented as an individual or a group's ability to cloister the information about them and then disclose it selectively. It means that privacy is used to sensitive or essential information. The privacy domain overlaps moderately with security that can insert the terms of proper use and protection of data.

The notion of global specific privacy is a modern concept mainly related to Western culture and remained unknown virtually inside a few cultures. Most cultures recognize the ability of persons to withhold some parts of personal data through broader society.

In the organizational world, an individual can volunteer secret element to get a few sorts of profit. Public figures can be object to regulations and rules on its interest. Secret information of a person that is shared voluntarily and misused can finally generate identity theft.

Privacy is concerned with providing that the sensitive information an organization processes, stores, or transmits is ingested compliantly and with consent from the owner of that sensitive information.

This define informing individuals upfront of which types of data will be collected, for what goals, and with whom it will be shared. Because this transparency is supported, an individual then should agree to the terms of use, enabling the organization ingesting information to use it in line with its stated goals.

Updated on: 09-Mar-2022


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