What is PEP for Python?

In this article, we will explain to you the PEP i.e Python Enhancement Proposal in Python.

PEP is an abbreviation for Python Enhancement Proposal. A PEP is a design document that informs the Python community or describes a new feature for Python, its processes, or its environment. The PEP should provide a brief technical description of the feature as well as its reasoning. PEPs are intended to be the primary mechanisms for proposing important new features, gathering community input on a problem, and documenting Python design decisions.

The PEP author is responsible for building consensus within the community and documenting opposing (dissenting) opinions.

Because the PEPs are stored as text files in a versioned repository, their revision history serves as the feature proposal's historical record. This historical record can be accessed using standard git commands to get previous versions, and it can also be browsed on GitHub.

Types of PEP

PEP is classified into three types −

  • A Standards Track PEP defines a new Python feature or implementation. It may also specify an interoperability standard that will be supported outside of the standard library for current Python versions until a future PEP adds standard library support.

  • An Informational PEP addresses a Python design issue or offers general guidance or information to the Python community without proposing a new feature. Users and implementers are allowed to ignore or follow Informational PEPs because they do not necessarily represent a Python community consensus or recommendation.

  • A Process PEP describes a Python-related process or proposes a change to (or event in) a process. Process PEPs are similar to Standards Track PEPs in that they apply to areas other than the Python language. They may suggest an implementation, but not to the Python codebase; they frequently require community consensus; thus, unlike Informational PEPs, they are more than recommendations that users are not free to disregard/ignore them. Procedures, guidelines, changes to the decision-making process, and modifications to the tools or environment used in Python development are all examples. Any meta-PEP is a Process PEP as well.

Workflow of PEP

Steering Council of Python

This PEP makes frequent references to the "Steering Council" or "Council." This refers to the current members of the elected Steering Council mentioned in PEP 13, who serve as the final decision-makers on whether or not PEPs are accepted or rejected.

Python’s Core Developers

This PEP makes many references to "core developers." This relates to the Python core team members who are currently active, as defined in PEP 13.

BDFL of Python

Previous versions of this PEP referred to PEP decision makers as "BDFL-Delegate." This was a historical reference to Python's old governance model, in which all design authority ultimately originated from Guido van Rossum, the Python computer language's original developer. The design authority of the Steering Council, on the other hand, is derived from their election by the currently active core developers. PEP-Delegate is now utilised instead of BDFL-Delegate.

PEP Editors

PEP editors are those in responsible for managing the administrative and editorial parts of the PEP workflow (e.g. assigning PEP numbers and changing their status). For more information, see PEP Editor Responsibilities & Workflow.

PEP editorship is by invitation of the present editors, who can be reached on GitHub by mentioning @python/pep-editors. The PEP workflow can be completed entirely through the GitHub PEP repository problems and pull requests.

Beginning with an idea for Python

The PEP process begins with a new Python idea. A single PEP should contain a single important proposal or new concept; the more concentrated the PEP, the more successful it is likely to be. The majority of improvements and bug fixes do not require a PEP and can be reported straight to the Python issue tracker. The PEP editors reserve the discretion to reject PEP proposals that appear to be too broad or unfocused. When in doubt, divide your PEP into multiple concentrated ones.

Each PEP requires a champion, who writes the PEP in the manner and format defined below, moderates discussions in the appropriate forums, and strives to develop community consensus around the concept. The PEP champion (also known as the Author) should first determine whether the idea is PEP-able. Unless a more specialized arena, such as Typing-SIG for static typing or the Packaging category of the Python Discourse, posting to the Ideas category of the Python Discourse is usually the best way to go about this.

The purpose of publicly evaluating a concept before going as far as writing a PEP is to save the potential author time. Many ideas for modifying Python have been proposed and rejected for various reasons. Asking the Python community first if a proposal is original helps to avoid wasting time on something that is almost certain to be rejected based on previous conversations (searching the internet does not always do the trick). It also aids in ensuring that the idea is applicable to the entire community rather than just the author. Just because an idea seems excellent to the creator does not guarantee that it will work for the majority of people in the majority of regions where Python is used.

After the champion has asked the Python community whether an idea has a possibility of being accepted, a drafted PEP should be given to the above-mentioned venue. This allows the author to fill out the draft PEP so that it is correctly formatted, of high quality, and addresses any early concerns about the proposal.


In this article we learned about the pep, different versions of pep, types of pep, audience of pep and workflow of pep

Updated on: 20-Oct-2022

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