Branches of Mathematics

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Apr-2024 12:47:12


Introduction Branches of mathematics are Algebra, geometry, arithmetic, number theory, etc. Over time, the scope of mathematics has expanded. There are two types of mathematics: pure mathematics and applied mathematics. The mathematics that can be used to solve real- world problems is known as applied mathematics. Mathematics has evolved over time into a vast and diverse subject. Mathematical advancements continue to make significant contributions. Algebra, Geometry, Arithmetic, Trigonometry, Calculus, and other branches of mathematics exist. In this tutorial, we will discuss branches of mathematics. Mathematics Maths is the science of quantity, pattern, order, structure, and relation, which has evolved over ... Read More

Area of Ellipse

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Apr-2024 12:45:25


Introduction Area of an ellipse is the area or region covered by the ellipse in two dimensions. An ellipse appears to be a regular oval shape, formed when a cone is snipped off by an oblique plane in such a way that a closed curve that does not bisect the base is produced. An ellipse is the locus of all the points in a plane whose distances from two fixed points in the plane are constant. The fixed points, which are surrounded by the curve, are known as foci (singular focus). The constant ratio is the eccentricity of the ellipse ... Read More

Area of Isosceles Triangle

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Apr-2024 12:41:28


Introduction The isosceles triangle area is the amount of surface or space enclosed between the isosceles triangle's sides. The quantity of space encircled by an isosceles triangle in a two-dimensional space is known as its area. Half of the product of the triangle's base and height is the usual formula for calculating its area. Here, to help you better comprehend this subject, a thorough explanation of the isosceles triangle area, its formula, and derivation is provided along with a few solved example problems. Isosceles triangle is one of the types of the triangle based on lengths of the sides. ... Read More

Area of Hemisphere

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 16-Apr-2024 12:38:09


Introduction The area of a hemisphere is of two types: The curved surface area of a hemisphere = 2๐œ‹r2 square units. The total surface area of a hemisphere = 3๐œ‹r2square units. Two-dimensional geometry is concerned with the x-y plane in mathematics. Three-dimensional geometry is an extension of two-dimensional geometry that deals with three axes in the Cartesian plane, namely x, y, and z. 3D shapes have three dimensions: length, breadth, and height. In most cases, three-dimensional objects are created by rotating two-dimensional objects. Our planet's spherical shape is one of the best examples of 3D shapes. The sphere is formed ... Read More

Difference between Permittivity and Permeability

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 16-Apr-2024 12:11:29

3K+ Views

There are two physical quantities namely Permittivity and Permeability that play a vital role in the field electrical engineering. Permittivity is related to electrostatics and it is the measure of electrical polarization of a dielectric material when it is placed in an external electric field. Permeability is related to electromagnetism and it is the measure of magnetic polarization of a magnetic material when it is placed in an external magnetic field. In this article, we will highlight all the key differences between permittivity and permeability by considering different parameters like basic definition, unit, formula, importance, etc. Let's start ... Read More

Difference Between Dielectric Constant and Permittivity

Vineet Nanda
Updated on 16-Apr-2024 12:09:00

2K+ Views

The study of dielectrics and their behavior in electric fields continue to fascinate physicists and electrical engineers alike. Despite the fact that dielectrics are poor conductors of electricity, they play a fundamental role in electronic circuits, which need a dielectric medium to build the circuit. A basic understanding of dielectrics and their properties is thus required. A dielectric material is nothing but an insulator with a poor conductor of electricity meaning they do not allow current to flow. They are the exact opposite of conductors. Like any other material, a dielectric is an assembly of ions with positive and negative ... Read More

Difference Between Natural and Whole numbers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Apr-2024 15:26:59


Introduction Difference between natural and whole numbers is natural number is used to count objects ad whole numbers include 0 and natural numbers. Numerous other types of numbers exist, including whole numbers, natural numbers, integers, rational and irrational numbers, real and complex numbers, and integers. Students may find it puzzling more frequently than not, causing them to mix up one with the other. Particularly in the natural numbers and whole numbers, since both of them resemble one another somewhat. Therefore, it is crucial that the students comprehend both whole numbers and natural numbers in detail. In this tutorial, we ... Read More

Disjoint Set

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Apr-2024 15:23:25


Introduction Disjoint sets can be used for a number of math problems but specifically in data structures. In set theory, disjoint sets are two sets which do not share any common observations. In other words, if we take the intersection of two sets and the resulting set is an empty set then the sets are said to be disjoint.. In this tutorial, we will learn what are sets, disjoint sets, and conditions for sets to be disjoint along with some of the solved examples. Sets A set is a collection of elements or observations for mathematical modelling. Elements of a ... Read More

Factors of a Number

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Apr-2024 15:20:36


Introduction A factor in mathematics is an integer that evenly divides another number by itself, leaving no residue. We encounter factors and multiples regularly. In the tutorial, we will discuss more Prime and composite number factors, HCF of at least two numbers and we shall solve a few related examples. What is Factor? In mathematics, a factor is a divisor of a given integer that divides it exactly, leaving no leftovers. For instance, they are employed while handling money, sorting objects into groups, looking for patterns in numbers, resolving ratios, and expanding or contracting fractions. We can employ a variety ... Read More

Variable Definition

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 10-Apr-2024 15:18:36


Introduction A variable is used to represent an unknown value in an equation. In algebra, we can use the four basic operations addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (ร—), and division (รท) same as arithmetic. In algebra, terms are mathematical expressions that are made of two different parts: the number part and the variable part. In a term, the number part and variable part are multiplied together and written without a multiplication symbol. Terms can have any number of variables Expressions An expression consisting of one or more terms in which variables may have anything as power, including positive, negative, ... Read More

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