What are the Password Attacks in Information Security?

A Password attack contains multiple techniques used by hackers to steal passwords. There are some password attacks are as follows −

Brute-force − It is method in which a hacker attempt to guess a password by frequently entering in new set of words and phrases compiled from a dictionary to steal the password. It is making complex to guess usernames and passwords can avoid it.

Packet sniffers − Packet sniffers are the technique used to capture data streams over a network to acquire sensitive information like usernames, passwords, credit card numbers, etc. Therefore, packet sniffers are also malicious forms of threats to the network security.

Packet sniffers monitor and record elements that are appearing from and going to a computer over a compromised network. It can acquire access to a network, packet sniffer need honeypots. They are easily unsecured wifi access points that hackers make to trap users who are utilizing them. It is developing users aware about the threat of packet sniffers is good prevention policy. Falling to packet sniffers technique will lead to negotiate with sensitive network information.

Moreover, the user should use a multiple sign on names and passwords to access several levels of network security. This supports at the instance when login data is negotiated, the damage can partly be limited in scope.

IP-spoofing − Like honeypots, IP spoofing contains the interception of data packets by a computer strongly pretending to be a trusted server.

Dictionary attack − This attack displays a sophisticated brute force attack example. In the Dictionary attack, an attacker needs a dictionary that includes words. The words are nothing but a simple name.

Particularly, the attacker needs the words that some users use as their password. In dictionary attacks, each word in the dictionary is a test in seconds. Some dictionary includes the credentials gained from already hacked passwords. Dictionary also includes the word combinations and frequently used passwords.

Phishing − Phishing is a simple way to hack the password of any user. In this attack, the hacker request the user to enter his password. In the phishing email, a hacker sent the false login page to the unsuspected user, which is related to any service, the hacker need to access.

The page requests the user to write some bad issues which it can discover in their security. After that, the page glance their password. Then the hackers can use that password to receive the sensitive data of the user. When the users are providing us a password happily, then why will it can difficult to crack the passwords.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2022


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