What are the Threats and Attacks to Information Security?

Attacks can be defined by the relationship between threat, vulnerability, and damage. It can prevent attacks from viruses and worms, a current version of antivirus software must be used. Security threats associated with computer crime or abuse such as −

Computer Viruses − The computer virus defines specifically as malware adding malicious programs into existing reports or programs. It circulates itself by several means. Viruses are treated as the general type of network security threat. Almost 90% of viruses are circulating through a connection on e-mails. However, a cautious user action can avoid the circulate of virus because virus needed a user action to add itself into a computer.

Trojan Horses − This malware attack misrepresent itself as something virtuous like a computer game or a search results page. Once installed on a computer, the Trojan horse can download and install a keylogger onto the infected computer to data each keystroke by a computer’s user, therefore stealing vital elements of the users. They generally hide in a downloadable free application on a website.

The users must hate themselves for downloading freeware. It is observed that organizations block free download applications to avoid the attack of Trojan horses.

Spam − Spam constitutes 70% to 84% of daily emails sent throughout the globe that demands an ever-increasing requirement for IT resources to filter out this irritating and probably malicious menace. Spam email includes unsolicited emails promoting products and coordinated spam attacks to employ so much bandwidth on a network to create it to crash.

Spam can use techniques “news service” spam, which needs legitimate news headlines to deceive recipients into opening spam emails. Best email filters are used to filter the spam and what slips through can be prevented by staying away not to fraud with the emails. There should be analysis for the signing of some online service or freebie.

Phishing − Emails with titles including, “URGENT: Update Account Status” are some attempts by a spammer to “phish” the account analysis. Phishing defines spam emails to trick recipients into pressing on a link to an insecure website and support details treating the website as a genuine one.

Generally, phishing tries are carried out to steal account data for e-commerce sites including banks, eBay, or regular financial institutions’ websites. A phishing email tricks the user to press a link, which will create the user to a page where the user is quoted to re-enter some account details such as credit card number(s) and passwords. These websites are not a real sites, even though they review like it.

Updated on: 03-Mar-2022


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