What are the 4 types of cryptocurrencies?

The first decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was introduced at the beginning of 2009. Known as "Satoshi Nakamoto," this programmer was a crucial figure in the creation of bitcoin. Bitcoin's enabling technology has now taken on a life of its own, giving rise to many other cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency offers today may seem interchangeable to an outsider looking in on the industry.

Cryptocurrency Types

There is a wide variety of cryptocurrencies available today. Several cryptocurrencies are similar to Bitcoin, but not all act like fiat currencies since they use modified versions of Bitcoin's original blockchain technology. To make head or tail of it, you'll need to do some serious research and grasp the inner workings of cryptocurrencies.

Here is a look at the four most popular forms of cryptocurrencies and their usage as a reference for folks who aren't well-versed in the nuances of crypto-technology.

Proof of work(PoW)

The first kind of cryptocurrency is Bitcoin itself, the first of its kind to use blockchain technology and the notion of proof of work (PoW) for transaction verification. But you need to be familiar with blockchain technology before you can grasp the significance of this statement.

Blockchain is a decentralized, digital ledger. Each node in a blockchain network stores an identical copy of the distributed ledger. It's like when many individuals use the same checkbook register, except that nobody can make an entry on their own.

Benefits of Proof-of-Work Systems

The proof stage occurs after initial validation by the network. For this reason, the whole ledger may continue to be trusted and accepted by all parties involved. The only known method to compromise the system is for a single player to control more than 50% of all nodes. Hence, the system is safe and resilient (making it possible for them to make changes at will).

Proof Of Stake (PoS)

Lack of scalability is the primary issue with PoW systems. To solve this issue, a new consensus model for blockchain was created, which relies on less-dense networks of nodes to verify financial transactions.

With PoS, not all nodes need to check every transaction. Instead, nodes that want to join a group that verifies transactions must put up some of their own money as a deposit. It is from this deposit that the proof of stake notion derives its name. Suppose a node is caught trying to cheat or insert invalid data into the ledger. In that case, it will immediately lose all of its stakes. This incentive structure is what ensures the safety and fairness of a Proof-of-Stake blockchain.

Benefits of Proof of stake

The most obvious benefit of a Proof-of-Stake blockchain is its faster transaction times. Cryptocurrencies that adopt it benefit from the capacity to process transactions in parallel, which reduces transaction processing costs since nodes may divide into smaller groups to work on individual transactions.


The underlying technologies make the two sorts of cryptocurrencies unique. However, that's not the only form of variation available on the market. Not all products on the market serve the same function.

Tokens are different from cryptocurrency because they aren't designed to be a universal medium of exchange. They are not independent systems but are built on top of already blockchains like Ethereum. One might think of casino chips as a basic analogy to the notion. They are the legal currency at the casino that issued them but may only be used there.

Benefits of Token

It's not hard to guess that crypto tokens may be used for many different purposes. Given their use in representing assets or units of value, they are well-suited for single-use apps built on top of existing blockchains to provide liquidity in illiquid markets. The real estate market is a perfect illustration of this principle in action. Tokenizing real estate assets allows owners to exchange ownership interests in properties in the same way they would stocks or bonds. Commodity markets, including those for energy and other resources, are increasingly using tokens.


To store value reliably, as their name indicates, stablecoins are digital currencies explicitly designed for this reason. They were developed to solve the volatility and complexity of fiat currency and mainstream cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ether (the Ethereum token). Because of this, several crypto-investors became overnight multi-billionaires, only to see their fortunes dissipate nearly as swiftly.

Stablecoins are a kind of cross between tokens and traditional cryptocurrencies; they are based on blockchain technology but can be converted into fiat money. They play a crucial function in the market by facilitating routine trades immune to price fluctuations. Most stablecoins do this by having their value fixed to that of a fiat currency or currencies and backing up their tokens with reserves.

Benefits of Stablecoin

The volatility of cryptocurrencies is one of the main obstacles to their widespread use in the global economy. It has made it challenging for financial institutions to engage with cryptocurrencies, for merchants to accept them as payment, and for people to utilize them as savings.

Without them, buying and selling crypto-assets would be very difficult since investors would be forced to liquidate their holdings to avoid losses.


There's more to cryptocurrency than meets the eye; by now, that should be evident. It's a varied industry that includes not just the four categories discussed here but also certain coins and tokens that don't neatly fit into any of them. Keep in mind that the market is in a constant state of flux.

The four broad types of cryptocurrency presented here are likely not everything there is to know about the subject. In all likelihood, though, they will be replaced by newer forms in the not-too-distant future. While this may be the case, it is still a good idea to be aware of the present situation. It will provide the groundwork for appreciating the developments you may expect in the not-too-distant future and the confidence to embrace the crypto future that is now here.

Updated on: 27-Oct-2022


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