What are Some Secret Python Tips?

Python is the most well-suited and used across the programming world. It is a tremendous language with various uses.

While multitudinous formulators are aware of the foundations of Python, there are a lot of lower-recognized tips and tactics that may make a tremendous difference in how productive you are at programming. We'll look at some of the Python programming language's best-kept secrets in this post.

Use Enumerate to Loop Through a List with an Index

One of the most frequent tasks in Python is to loop through a listing of items. While most builders are familiar with the simple syntax of a for loop, there is an easy way to loop via a listing and hold the tune of the index at the identical time. The enumerate characteristic in Python allows you to do just that −


vegetables = ['tomato', 'potato', 'ladyfinger']
for v, vegetable in enumerate(vegetables):
   print(v, vegetable)


0 tomato
1 potato
2 ladyfinger

By using enumerate, you can avoid having to create an index variable and increment it manually, which can make your code more readable and easier to maintain.

Use List Comprehensions for Concise Code

Python is recognized for its potential to write concise code. One of the nice approaches to attain this is by way of using list comprehensions. List comprehensions let you generate a new listing by making use of an expression for every object in a current list.


nums = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
squares = [a ** 2 for a in nums]


[4, 16, 36, 64, 100] 

You can have fewer lines of code by making use of listing comprehensions instead of having to create a loop and append it to a new list.

Use Zip to Combine Lists

Zip is yet some other beneficial Python function. The zip characteristic takes two or greater lists and combines them into a single record of tuples.


vegetables = ['tomato', 'potato', 'ladyfinger']
rates = [80, 60, 70]
inventory = zip(vegetables, rates)


[('tomato', 80), ('potato', 60), ('ladyfinger', 70)] 

By utilizing zip, you may save time and improve the readability of your code by avoiding the need to manually loop over many lists and join them.

Using Join Function to Concatenate Strings

The concatenating string is a frequent venture in Python, however, it can be cumbersome to write out all the string literals and plus signs. The be part of the function in Python allows you to concatenate strings greater easily.


words = ['I', 'love', 'Python']
sentence = ' '.join(words)  


I love Python 

By using join, you can avoid having to write out all the string literals and plus signs, which can make your code more readable and easier to maintain.

Use Sets for Unique Values

In Python, units are data kind that lets you save special values. Sets are similar to lists or tuples, however, they don't permit duplicate values.


values = [12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 20, 18, 16, 14, 12]
diff_nums = set(values)


{12, 14, 16, 18, 20} 

Duplicate values can be easily eliminated from a tuple or list by utilizing sets.

Use the name Attribute to Check if a Module is Being Run Directly

In Python, you can take a look at whether or not a module is being run at once or imported as a module by checking the price of the discover attribute. If a module is being run directly, its identity attribute will be set to 'main'. Have a look at the instance below −


# example.py
def main():
   print('The main function executed') 
if __name__ == '__main__':


The main function executed 

If you run example.py, the primary function will be executed. However, if you import example.py as a module, the essential feature will not be executed. This can be beneficial for developing modules that can be used in different programs however can also be run directly for testing or demonstration purposes.

Fun with Python

If you type "import hello " in your program and execute it, you will get an exciting output. Try it out!

>>> import __hello__
Hello world! 

Next, type "from __future__ import braces" in your program and execute it and observe what python will say to you.

>>> from __future__ import braces
SyntaxError: not a chance 


In summary, these are just a few of the many beneficial hints and tricks for Python programming. By using these tips, you can write extra concise, readable, and efficient code. You're sure to locate many greater hidden gemstones that can improve your programming competencies as you proceed to study extra about the language.

Updated on: 03-Apr-2023


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