What are some of the common types of Hacking?

Hacking is an act of infiltrating a system or network to steal sensitive information or manipulate communication. It is conducted for two primary motives - Data and Money. Based on the nature of the attack and how it is conducted, hacking can be classified into five main types.

In this post, we will discuss the five general types of hacking.


In modern times the most popular way to hack a system or network is through malware-injecting. Cybercriminals use various methods to infiltrate computers with hacking malware such as malicious links, fake emails, infected applications, spyware, keyloggers, etc. Your device can also be infected with hacking malware through physical devices such as USB drives. Cyberattackers would place the infected physical drive in anticipation that the target would grab it and use it on their system.


Phishing is a malicious process in which the attacker psychologically forces the victims to click on the unsolicited link, download a malicious program, or provide confidential information on calls or emails. Phishing is often conducted through emails and phone calls. The Phisher would pretend to be from a trusted source and lure you with fake offers and discounts. Some phishers create a sense of urgency and fear to trap the users.

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attack

Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is carried out on online websites to crash them and hack them after that. In this, the website is loaded with sudden traffic of bots that it cannot handle. The attacker ensures that the traffic is so high that the server gets overloaded and cannot take any more requests. Ultimately, the server crashes and takes down the website with it, making it easy for the cyberattackers to hack it.

Man in the Middle Attack

Man in the middle attack is popularly used for session hijacking and manipulating the communication between two parties. When you initiate a communication on the internet, the session between your computer and the remote web server is given a unique session ID, which should stay private between the two parties. The hackers can hijack the session by gaining the session ID and manipulate the conversation. Hackers commonly use cross-site scripting attacks to get the session ID.

Taking Advantage of Vulnerabilities

Many cyber attackers hack into the system by exploiting the loopholes and vulnerabilities of the system. This usually happens with systems that are not regularly updated. Computer devices, especially with outdated operating systems, lack the latest security patches, which makes them vulnerable to cyberattacks.

Updated on: 12-Jul-2021


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