What are some good Python projects for an intermediate programmer?

In this article, we will learn some good Python projects for an intermediate programmer.

These projects are neither too difficult nor too simple. There will be some challenges while developing these projects, and you will have a great time solving them. We classified the projects into three groups −

  • Web Applications − Generally, developers are in charge of both the front-end and back-end components of the application. As a Python developer, your primary attention would be on the back end, where all business logic is implemented. Some Python web frameworks, such as Django and Flask, can be used.

  • Desktop GUI − Python may be used to create your own Desktop Graphical User Interface application. PySimpleGUI is a user-friendly desktop application framework. PyQt5 is another complex and advanced GUI framework, although it has a steep learning curve.

  • Command-Line − These apps run in a console window. You can create applications with the docopt, argparse, and click frameworks.

Web Project Ideas

You'll find web project ideas on this topic. These project ideas fall into two categories − utility and education tools.

The following are some project ideas −

  • URL Shortener Tool
  • Quiz Application
  • Pin Your Note

URL Shortener Tool

Are you familiar with tools such as bit.ly and TinyURL? These services shorten URLs and make them easier to remember. Long URLs contain complex characters that are tough to memorize. These services shorten URLs by removing characters or letters and returning a new shorter URL to the user.

Technical Details

The primary purpose of this program is to shorten URLs, and when a user hits the shortened URL, he or she should be sent to the original URL. You can use a mix of random and string modules to generate characters for abbreviated URLs.

You must store the original and abbreviated URLs in the database so that when a user visits the shortened URL (days, months, or even years later), the program checks the database and redirects to the original if the URL exists, otherwise to a 404 page.

Added Challenge

You may improve the usability of this application by including a custom URL option for the user. It will be easier for users to remember the custom URL they created.

Examples from Real Life

Quiz Application

The Quiz Application will ask users questions and expect them to provide correct answers. Consider the Quiz Application to be a type of questionnaire. Special users, known as administrators, will be able to create tests with the Quiz Application, allowing regular users to answer questions and evaluate their understanding of the concepts in the quiz.

Technical Details

The primary goal of this project is to create quizzes and have people answer them. As a result, users should be able to ask questions, and other users should be able to answer them. The application will then provide the total score as well as the correct responses. You may need to build an account creation feature if you want users to be able to keep track of their scores. Users should be able to construct tests with questions and answers simply by uploading a text file. The text file will be in the format that you specify, allowing the application to convert it from a file to a quiz.

Added Challenge

Allow users to set timers to quizzes to make them more difficult. This allows quiz developers to decide how many seconds or minutes a user should spend on each question in the quiz.

It would be nice to have a quiz-sharing tool as well, so that users may share fascinating quizzes with their friends on other platforms.

Examples from Real Life

Pin Your Note

We have so many ideas throughout the day, and it's human nature to forget things easily (even crucial ideas or thoughts) due to our busy schedules or for other reasons. Isn't it a wonderful idea to design an app that creates a note of our ideas online to remember them easily? You can use Python to create a Pin Your Note application in which a user can list whatever he or she wants to remember and that list will be accessible from any place (since it is on a digital platform).

Technical Details

This project's main goal is to allow users to save their ideas. Each user will have their private notes, and to create private notes, an account creation feature with authentication must be created. You can use the Django framework, which includes an authentication system, but if you use a bottle or flask, you will have to implement user authentication yourself.

You may also include a function that enables users to categorize their notes. Users will be able to separate their notes into multiple categories in this manner. A user, for example, can select one section for programming languages, another for data structures and algorithms, and yet another for databases.

If you want to utilize a database to store information for this application, you can use the MySQLdb module if you use a MySQL database or the psycopg2 module if you choose a PostgreSQL database. Other modules can also be used, however, this is dependent on the database you choose for the application.

Added Challenge

We frequently forget that we have created key notes somewhere and then expect someone to remind us of the notes. As a result, you can include a reminder feature in this app. This feature allows users to choose a time for the reminder and receive an email notification about the notes.

Examples from Real Life

GUI Projects

The following are the project ideas −

  • MP3 Player
  • Alarm Tool
  • File Manager
  • Expense Tracker

MP3 Player

Without a player, it is impossible to play the contents of an audio file. Audio files are digital data, and you can demonstrate your abilities by creating a tool MP3 player in Python. You must create MP3 player software that emulates a physical MP3 player. Users will be able to play MP3 files on their desktop, laptop, or computer by using this software.

Technical Details

The goal is to provide MP3 software that allows users to listen to MP3 and other digital audio files. You must concentrate on creating a visually appealing user interface to increase user engagement. The interface will display a list of accessible MP3 files. A user can also select other digital audio files that are not MP3s. A user should also be able to see information about the file that is playing. You can include information like

  • File name
  • Length
  • The time played (minutes and seconds)
  • The time not played (minutes and seconds)

Python's pygame, pymedia, and simpleaudio libraries can be used to handle MP3 files and other digital audio files. You can operate with multimedia files with just a few lines of code. You might also include a function that allows users to make playlists. The sqlite3 module of the SQLite database can be used to hold the information of the created playlist.

Added Challenge

Include a feature that allows users to repeat presently playing files or shuffle the list of files to be played. You might also add a function that allows users to choose the speed(increase/decrease) at which the audio file plays.

Examples from Real Life

Alarm Tool

"Time and tide wait for no man," as the saying goes. But with so much going on in our lives, it's tough to keep track of time. A reminder is required to keep track of time.

This is where the Alarm Tool enters the picture. An alarm is a device that produces an audible or visual signal in response to a certain circumstance. This Alarm Tool project concept aims to create an alarm as software. The Alarm Tool emits an auditory signal when a given condition is met. In this scenario, the fixed time is a certain condition.

Users can use the Alarm Tool to set alarms to remind them of things at specific times of the day.

The Alarm Tool project will run on the user's laptop or desktop device, eliminating the need to purchase a physical timer.

Technical Details

The primary goal of this project is to activate audio signals at specific times of the day. Thus, the most crucial aspects of the Alarm Tool are timing and the audio signal to be played.

Users should be able to add, edit, and delete alarms using the Alarm Tool. It should also include a user interface that lists all of the alerts that have not been erased by the user. As a result, it should display both active and inactive alerts.

Because it is an alarm, the program must play tones at the specified time. There are audio libraries available, such as the pygame library.

The program must continue to check for set alarm times in your code logic. When the time is reached, a function is triggered to play the alarm tone.

As the application will check for set alarm timings, it must save the alarms in a database. The alarm date, time, and tone location should all be saved in the database.

Added Challenge

You may also allow users to set recurring alarms as an extra feature. They'll be able to program alarms to sound at specific times on specific days of the week, every week. As an example, every Monday at 2:00 PM, an alarm can be set.

You may also include a snooze option so that your users can snooze alarms rather than just dismissing them.

Examples from Real Life

Command-Line Projects

This section contains project ideas for the command line. The project ideas mentioned can be classed as utility tools.

The following are some project ideas −

  • Site Connectivity Checker
  • File Renaming Tool
  • Contact Book
  • Directory Tree Generator

Site Connectivity Checker

When you visit a URL, you expect your browser to display the requested pages. However, this is not always the case. Sites can go down at any time, so you may not receive the expected result. Instead, you'll be shown error messages. You can keep trying a down site until it comes back up and you get the information you need.

This is where the Project Site Connectivity Checker comes in. The Site Connectivity Checker visits a URL and provides the URL's status: live or not. The Site Connectivity Checker will return the results of each visit to the URL at regular intervals.

Instead of visiting a URL manually, a Site Connectivity Checker can handle it all for you. You'll only get the check results this way, without spending time on the browser waiting for the site to load.

Technical Details

The primary goal of this project is to check the status of sites. As a result, you must create code to check the status of a website.

You have the option of using TCP or ICMP for your connections. The socket module is one to check. Socket Programming in Python can alternatively be read (Guide).

You can add commands to allow users to add and remove sites from the list of sites to be checked using your preferred framework, whether it's the docopt, click, or argparse framework.

Users should also be able to start and stop the tool and set the intervals.

Because you'll need to record the list of files to be checked, you can either save it in a file (simply a list of sites) or use the SQLite database using the sqlite3 module.

Examples from Real Life

File Renaming Tool

We must frequently rename the files in our directory by specific conventions. For instance, File001.jpg, File002.jpg, File003.jpg, and so on. Manually performing this operation might be tedious and time-consuming. To avoid doing this manually, you can write a tool that renames a huge number of files.

Technical Details

The main goal is to design a tool that can rename files without error in a matter of seconds. You can use Python's os, sys, and shutil modules to rename the target files. Users should be able to use their preferred naming convention to rename all files in the directory. If you understand how regex works, you can use it to help match the required name patterns. If a user specifies a naming convention, such as demofiles, as part of a command, the tool should rename the files as demofiles345, where 345 is a number.

Added Challenge

Implement a feature that allows users to select only a set of files for renaming rather than all files. Depending on the user's preferences, the utility will arrange the files alphabetically, by the time of file creation, or by file size.

Examples from Real Life


In this article, we learned about various types of intermediate-level projects, including details and examples. These projects will help you get a real-time understanding of different Python intermediate-level concepts.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2022


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