What are some projects that I can work on while learning Python?

In this article, we will learn some projects that we can work on while learning Python.

The finest skill you can master right now is unquestionably Python. Python is a flexible language with many potential uses. Python is a programming language that may be used for data research, machine learning, automation, and web development. Python may be used to work as a freelancer or for major software firms like Google. Very few languages offer both of these possibilities.

The best way to learn is to create projects and practice solving issues, thus in this article, we've prepared a list of some of beginner-friendly Python projects.

Building a Number-Guessing Game

In this game the player will guess a secret number with limited range of numbers.It is a good project for beginners.

In this game the player will guess a secret number with limited range of numbers.It is a good project for beginners.

In this project you will learn the following coding concepts −

  • How to take user input and validate it against the secret number.

  • How to get feedback on the player's guesses.

  • How to limit the maximum guesses allowed.

Python Project to Generate Password

In this project, you will learn about how to create a secure password for yourself that will help you with routine visits to the internet.

While building this project you will learn about the following python concepts −

  • How to generate a secure password using special requirements like special characters or numerical numbers or lowercase and uppercase.

  • It will help you understand Python's various secrete modules.

Project to Automate the Emailing Process

This project is for complete beignners, here you can set a specific date and a list of recipeint for emailers and the python code will send the email on that particular date and time to the emails listed in there.

Here are some concpets that you will learn during this project buidling period −

  • How to automate the Emailing process?

  • How to use smtplib, the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol..

Python Project to Build Tic-Tac-Toe Game

Tic-Tac-Toe is one of the classic games played in our childhood. This project will help you build your own game, where you can play with your friends.

There are various tutorials online that will help you in building this game using Python programming.

Following are the concepts you need to be familiar with before building this project

  • Object Oriented programming in python

  • class methods

Python Project to Build Multiplication Table

Python programming is used in implementation of Object Oriented Programmingr and Functional type models.

We will build the following in this project −

  • OOP-based multiplication table app

  • Understand how to use class methods and attributes.

Python Project to Build Snake Game

Here is another one of the legnedry mobiel game, the Snake game that we used to play in the ealier mobile and video gaming consoles. Even in today's date, please enjoy play the same game in their mobiles.

We will build the following in this project −

  • A simple Python Graphical User Interface(GUI) built with the turtle module.

  • Set up the game environment and code the snake game rules.

Python Project to Build a Virtual Assitant

In this project, you will learn how to create your virtual assistant using Python programming language.

This applicatio will recoginie your voice command and perform the particular task for you. Some of the famour examples of Virtual assitant are Google assistant and Alexa.

Creating a URL Shortening Service like bit.ly

Python is an excellent choice for web development, including the creation of websites and web apps. It contains many amazing frameworks, like as Python and Flask, that make it simple to construct web applications.

This free Python course will teach you Django, one of the most powerful web frameworks for building web applications, which is why it is the most used Python library.

Real-Time Crypto Price Alert App

You can now create a project that will give you a price alert for cryptocurrencies that too in real-time.

Your computer will exclaim things like, 'Bitcoin has hit $12000!' while this code running in the background.

Top 100 Cryptocurrency Ranking App

You must create a ranking software for Cryptocurrencies such as BitCoin, Etherium, Litecoin, Libra, and others that allows you to sort by rank, daily percentage change, or daily volume. Like CoinMarketCap.com, positive and negative values are color-coded green and red.


I hope you were able to add a few engaging practice problem statements and projects to your resume. You should constantly keep in mind to enhance your learning by creating projects as you continue to acquire new abilities in your Python toolbox. These projects are excellent since they are neither overly simple nor trivial, which makes them perfect for a beginner learning Python.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2023


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