Top Splunk Amin Interview Questions

With the help of Splunk, businesses may employ on-premises data centers, public clouds, apps, services, and third-party technologies to extract insightful information from data. As a Splunk Administration Analyst, there are several possibilities to advance in some of the top businesses worldwide. Some of the most significant Splunk admin interview questions and responses are provided here to assist you in choosing your career path.

Splunk Definition

"Google" our computer-generated data. It is a piece of software or an engine that can be used to search, visualize, track, report on, etc. our corporate data. By delivering real-time insights into our data through charts, alerts, reports, etc., Splunk transforms valuable machine data into potent operational information. Who is a DevOps engineer?

Describe Splunk's Working

Splunk operates in three stages, which are the data input, data storage, and data searching stages.

  • Stage of Data Input − Splunk takes raw data from numerous sources and divides it into 64K blocks. Keys for the metadata are then added to these blocks.

  • Data Storage Stage − The data is next examined to extract pertinent data from it in the parsing phase. Next, the parsed events are written into the index queue during the indexing phase.

  • Data Searching Stage − This stage involves a number of actions, including user access to, display of, and usage of the index data.

How does Splunk handle data ageing?

Data ages by moving through a variety of hot, warm, cold, frozen, and thawed buckets.

  • The information enters the warm bucket after being indexed. The warm bucket's data is continually written and actively searchable.

  • The data rolls over from the hot bucket to the warm bucket when Splunk is restarted or when the warm bucket fills up to its specified capacity. Data on a warm bucket can be searched, but it is not actively written.

  • The data is once more transferred from the warm bucket to the cold bucket when the warm bucket reaches its maximum capacity, with the oldest warm bucket data being transmitted to the cold bucket first.

What do Splunk's data models and pivots mean?

When there is a lot of unstructured data, Splunk's data models are helpful since they can be used to transform the unstructured data into a structured hierarchical model without the need for intricate search queries. Users may generate front views of the results using pivots and choose the appropriate filter to get a better picture of the outcomes.

 What categories of alerts does Splunk offer?

In Splunk, there are two different sorts of alerts: planned and real-time. In accordance with your utility, you may select one of the alert types. Real-time alerts search continually and are activated anytime a search result is found, in contrast to scheduled alerts, which may be programmed to search depending on the timing parameters that are selected.

Define the term “Search factor” and “Replication factor”.

Search Factor and Replication Factor are functions pertaining to search head clustering and index clustering. 

  • The search factor, which is related to index clustering, aids in determining how many copies of searchable material the indexing cluster maintains. The search factor is set to 2 by default.

  • Replication factor is an important factor to consider when figuring out how many data copies an indexer cluster will keep, as well as how many copies of search artefacts a search head cluster will keep at the very least. Replication factor is related to both search head clustering and index clustering. Replication factor is set to 3 as the default value.

How is the Splunk service started and stopped?

The following commands can be used to terminate or start the Splunk service −

  • ./splunk start is used to launch Splunk services.

  • ./splunk stop to terminate Splunk services

What use does the Time Zone property provide in Splunk?

Splunk automatically determines the time zone when any data is submitted, regardless of the kind. Splunk selects the time zone specified in your browser when adding new time zones. The time zone is also determined by your browser based on your computer system. You can only locate a certain event if you search for it in the appropriate time zone.

List primary Search commands in Splunk?

On Splunk, the following significant search commands are available −

  • Abstract − A summary version of the text is created and shown instead of the original text in order to provide a concise overview of the text of the search results.

  • Addtotals − Addtotals is used to add up numerical fields, and it also lets you choose which fields to add up specifically rather than doing it for all of them.

  • Accum - Accum is a command that aids in calculating a numerical field's cumulative total.

  • Filldown − You may use the Filldown command to replace a group of NULL values with the most recent non-NULL value for a given field. You can apply Filldown to every field when the list of fields is not specified.

  • Typer − It assists in determining the eventtype field for search results that correspond to a particular kind of event.

  • Rename − This command is used to rename a specific field, and you can use wildcards to select multiple fields to use this command on.

  • Anomalies − You use the command anomalies to determine the "unexpected" score for a particular event.

Describe Workflow Actions

After assigning rules, scheduling, and creating reports, you may automate some processes using workflow actions. Workflow actions can be used to drill down into a specific list of information, such as ID addresses and usernames, as well as to retrieve a specific set of data and send it to other fields.

Describe Splunk Indexer. What phases include Splunk Indexing?

Splunk Indexer is the one managing and building indexes. An indexer's main duties are as follows −

  • Indexing newly arrived data

  • Searching indexed information


Above listed top 10 most asked Splunk Admin Interview questions will help you do last minute revision and do self-analysis upon your understanding, knowledge on the topic.

Updated on: 14-Dec-2022


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