Top Resources for Java Interview Questions

Are you a fresher or final-year graduate looking to start your career as a Java developer? Have you already landed as a java developer and are looking to prepare for the next company? If you say "Yes" to any of these questions, then you are at the right place.

In this article, you will come across the top resources and websites that will help you to prepare and do well in java programming interviews.

The list includes popular online platforms and websites like Tutorialspoint, StackOverflow, DZone, etc., where you can learn frequently asked java questions in top companies' interviews and learn how to solve them.

Top 10 Resources for Java Interview Questions in 2022

Below is the list of some of the popular resources and online platforms you can visit to prepare for your next Java developer job interview.


Well, Tutorialspoint is the website where you’re currently reading this article. TutorialsPoint was originally designed to cater to a class of readers who prefer online content and prefer learning new skills in their own environment.

We are one of the best websites on the internet with lots of programming questions and answers in clear, crisp, and to-the-point that were asked by various top tech companies like Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook, Flipkart, and Uber, etc.

In addition to this, our Text Library Content and resources contain several topics ranging from programming languages to academics to web designing and much more. So, if you’re looking for the best resource to prepare for your coding interviews, Tutorialspoint will be your one-stop destination.


By the way, StackOverflow is also one of the popular public Q&A platforms that serves over 100 million people every month in finding what they need to develop technology at work or at home. They contain all the programming questions and answers that may help people find the answers they need and when they need them.


DZone is also a user contribution-based platform where users can contribute technology Q/A in the form of short summaries and articles which will then be published after internally reviewing the quality of submissions.

The DZone team also shares knowledge on the latest technology trends that will help you to learn new technologies, methodologies, and best practices.


It doesn’t need an introduction because it’s one of the well-known platforms that benefit readers with information on all fields of knowledge by acting as a freely accessible and comprehensive resource.

It’s a comprehensive source for lots of java programming interview questions for you to get started as a Java developer in 2022.

IBM Developer Works

Another great website to empower developers. IBM developer is not just created for programming job interview questions but also to provide you with all the resources, tools, and community that inspire you to go further.

The best thing about IBM developer is that it’s also accessed by many candidates who like to learn new tricks, share some of their own, and get expert advice on coding challenges.


TechGig is one of the popular websites that provide tutorials on various technologies and one of them is the Java tutorial.

It helps you to learn Java lessons right from scratch to advance level programming in a quick and effective way.

So, if you’re a fresher looking for the best website to prepare for Java interview questions, visit TechGig for a step-by-step tutorial.


A website with the largest developer community, GitHub provides everything you need to learn and become a software developer. This is the best resource for people who are preparing for technical job interviews.

Java documentation

Java Documentation is one of the best websites where you will find a lot of java programming tutorials.

The Java Tutorials on the website are practical guides for programmers who like to use the Java programming language to create applications. They include thousands of complete, working examples, and dozens of lessons to learn the Java programming language better.


Founded by Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng in 2012, today, Coursera is a global online learning platform for anyone who wants to learn online courses and degrees from leading universities and companies.

You will also find a large number of programming courses, hands-on projects to job-ready certificates, and degree programs in this platform.


JavaWorld is a great website where you can find the latest news, how-tos, features, reviews, and videos about the Java programming language.

So, if you’re looking to crack a java developer job interview, this would be your go-to website for any latest updates about Java.

By the way, that's for the top resources for Java interview questions. Depending on which niche you are in, you can also prepare for Java interviews at one of these sites.

Updated on: 25-Aug-2022


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