Top Network Security Interview Questions

Online computer networks have now become humanity's lifeblood and so much more after the covid pandemic. Network security refers to the protection of data and systems. Withholding unlawful access is as crucial as preventing theft or changes of data. Everybody has heard of hacking and phishing, ransomware, and virus. A single device handled by an individual may not be a cause for alarm, with antivirus software taking care of security.

Imagine the gigantic networks of computers possessed by large organizations, administrations and governments, public services, and industry! Critical infrastructure in the national interest deserves the highest protection. They may work 24 hours, unlike most workers who are active professionally for 8 hours, perhaps. What are the major Network Security issues involved? What are the likely interview questions on this subject? Commencing with the basics, check out a few serious questions concerning Network Security. Remember to follow dress and speech etiquette and appear interested and enthusiastic before the interviewers.

Explain the term network

An online network refers to interconnected computers, modems, routers, and servers that facilitate communication. Since they are all joined together, many advantages exist, but dangers could also affect them. Network security includes standards for accessing the internet and safeguarding data systems. Some crucial functions are monitoring electronic traffic, restricting access, managing viruses, and protecting data through encryption.

Explain Mobile device Security

With almost everybody using mobiles, their security has mighty importance. Hackers are targeting mobiles to steal data from the device. So, mobile software requires protection from cyberattacks to secure its essential data.

What are a Risk, Threats, and Vulnerabilities?

An insecure network creates a risk factor, and a threat may arise. A vulnerability is a weakness amidst the access points or routers that may be invaded.

How does the term Protocol Apply?

A protocol is a system of guidelines. In the online data where the exchange of files takes place, protocols are guidelines regarding data exchange and transfer.

Which are the Network Support Layers?

Data Link layer, Physical layer, and Network layer

What is the importance of Virtual Private Networks?

VPNs ensure data security, like a safe tunnel between a device and the internet. The encrypted data reaches the external VPN server safely. The data proceeds to the destination from the server. Hiding an identity is another tremendous advantage of VPNs.

What is the Intranet's significance?

An intranet is a closed network of interconnected devices that is privately managed. Only the members can use it, and access to others is restricted. The data is safe since it is not broadcast to external sources.

User verification is done through which methods?

Biometrics, tokens, and passwords are some standard methods of User verification.

How is symmetric and asymmetric encryption different?

Symmetric encryptions use the same key for encryption and decryption. Asymmetric encryptions use different keys for encryption and decryption and are safer.

What is the salting process?

Passwords are made safer by adding special characters. Passwords become longer and more robust. It becomes harder for hackers to guess a password with special characters.

HTTPS and SSL – Which is Better?

HTTPS refers to Hypertext Transfer Protocol added to SSL. Browsing activity is encrypted for safety. Secure Sockets Layer protocol safeguards internet communication. Between the two, SSL offers greater security.

What happens in a DDoS attack?

A DDoS attack tries to shut down or disrupt the company's online services. The reasons could be enmity amidst severe competition, stealing the business, or demanding extortion payments. Whatever the reason, massive amounts would be required to restore normal functioning. Mega companies like Amazon have also been targeted.

How does ransomware work?

A threat through ransomware encodes and encrypts data until the ransom is paid. If the set date for payment passes, the data may be lost. The ransom demand may be increased. Though it may be hard to believe, ransomware attacks are frequently growing. Large corporations in Europe and America face such threats.

Define Adware

The prevalent advertisements on mobile screens are examples of adware, a kind of malware. The user does not know that the malware is active. Some adware is harmless and collects data. Others may infect the computer and connect with malicious websites through links.

What is malware?

Hackers use malware to break into the system and gather essential information. Malware could affect computers, servers, or the entire network. Viruses are a type of malware.

Explain spyware.

Like a spy in the movies, spyware is a type of malware. Spyware gathers user information like the username and password, websites visited, and files downloaded. Private information like emails and payments are at risk. Spyware becomes a part of the operating system and enters without permission. Spyware works quietly and gathers data. Even after knowing about its presence, it is hard to get rid of spyware.

What exactly is phishing?

Phishing email tricks users and tries to gather important information like passwords and credit card numbers. Everybody should remain on guard against phishing. It is a common cybercrime, and malware may be installed on the device. The solution is a VPN that increases security.

Define access control into networks.

Entry is restricted except for authorized users into data systems or resources like applications. Who can access which facility is guided by a set of rules? It is an essential security strategy that helps to fight dangers and threats like ransomware.

How can we define Application security in networks?

Such an application security software program can detect and repair weak points in applications. Found and fixed quickly, the program can help prevent more significant future problems.


Just like precious jewelry that must be taken good care of, avoid storing sensitive information on computers and mobiles. The question arises as to where they can be safely stored. There is no easy answer. Pay serious attention to risks and their prevention. Start by learning and practicing the primary management of devices. Research network settings and firewalls, configuring web browsers, and safety in user accounts. Use updated antivirus software on a personal level. In large organizations, the IT departments routinely take up security tasks like disinfecting computers and renewing antivirus software licenses. Being alert and building worker awareness is half the battle won.

Updated on: 07-Dec-2022


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