Top 10 Project Manager Interview Questions

Project managers are essential to any organization. They help the team accomplish their goals and make sure work is done according to schedule, budget, and quality standards.

10 General Interview Questions For The Project Manager Role

We've put together a list of the top 10 project manager questions that will help you ace the interview. After reading it, you'll be well on your way to a successful career in project management!

1) Tell me about yourself

There are a few things you can say about yourself to start your answer. You can discuss where you're from, what your favorite thing to do is, or what your favorite book or movie is.

Once you have some basics down, it's time to get more personal. Share something that makes you unique and sets you apart from others. This could be an experience that only YOU have had, something interesting about yourself, or even a funny story!

2) What is Your Greatest Weakness?

There are a number of different ways to answer this question, depending on what you want to disclose. It can be helpful to think about your greatest weakness in terms of its impact on your personal life and work.

As a project manager, you are constantly working with your team to meet deadlines. This means that you will be responsible for the success or failure of projects.

Your weakness might be being too hard on yourself when it comes time to deliver work on time. By being open and candid with potential employers, you can build trust and improve your chances of getting the job or relationship you desire.

3) Why are You Leaving Your Current Company?

If you are leaving your current company, it is important that you explain the situation and highlight the positive aspects of your current job. If there are any specific reasons for leaving, be sure to include them in your interview answers.

It's also important to convey that this move was made by mutual agreement between yourself and management. Otherwise, it can come across as a less-than-genuine reason for leaving.

4) How Much Experience do You Have as a Project Manager?

As a project manager, it's important to be able to articulate your skills and experience in a clear and concise way.

Here are three tips that can help −

  • Start by describing your current role.

  • Describe the scope of your experiences working with different types of clients.

  • Talk about any noteworthy successes or accomplishments that relate specifically to project management. This might include completing on time and under budget, navigating regulatory issues successfully, or developing innovative solutions while keeping everyone aligned.

5) What is Your Managerial Style?

There is no single right answer to this question, as each manager has their own style that works best for them. However, some tips on how to answer this question include describing your management style in terms of what you expect from your team members and how you handle difficult situations.

Describe how well you can work with others, and also what kind of leadership style you have. Do you delegate authority and trust in others, or do you lead by example and set the tone for leadership? You can tell a lot about a person by the way they manage their team.

6) Where do You See Yourself in Five Years?

This question is a great way to get to know your potential employer. It's also a good way to find out if you have the same goals and values as them, so you can work together toward achieving your common vision of success.

It's important that project managers are motivated by what they do, but it's also important that they understand why they're doing it in this particular company. If the company isn't aligned with its personal goals or aspirations, then there might not be much room left for growth after five years!

Here are some tips on how best to prepare yourself −

  • Be honest about what motivates/drives you personally.

  • Think about how your skillsets align with those needed by this organization (and vice versa). Are there areas where both parties need improvement? How can each party contribute towards reaching the other's goals?

  • Write down your goals ad the resources you want to achieve them.

7) Tell me About a Time When You Had to Delegate Tasks

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question as well, as each person's experience and context will differ. However, some examples of times when delegation may be necessary include −

  • When you are too busy or overloaded to handle a task yourself;

  • When you have conflicting priorities;

  • Or when someone else is more qualified or experienced for the task at hand.

Ultimately, the best way to determine if delegation is necessary is by assessing the situation and determining whether delegating the task would improve your overall efficiency or performance.

8) Describe Your Ideal Company, Location, And Job

When you're asked this question, it's important to have a good answer ready. You want to show that you are familiar with the company, its values, and its culture.

If your ideal company is a large multinational firm with headquarters in New York City, then you should talk about how much it means to be part of such an internationally successful company.

You can also mention why these locations are attractive—what makes them different from other places where people work? Do they offer more opportunities? Or are they just better at what they do?

9) How Well do You Know Our Company And Products?

When interviewing, it's important that you have an answer that not only shows your knowledge of the company and products but also demonstrates why you would be a good fit for the position or role. By knowing this information, you can demonstrate that you are serious about joining their team and that you have what it takes to be successful with them.

You should also be able to answer questions related to the company's history, mission, values, and goals. If possible, try to get a feel for their business model as well - who their target market is, how they plan on reaching them, and so on.

10) In What Ways do You Think You Can Make a Difference in Our Organization as a Project Manager?

In this section of the interview, you will be asked to talk about your past experience and what makes you a strong candidate for the position. You can also use this time to explain why you are qualified for this position and what makes you stand out from other applicants.

One of the most important roles a project manager can play is ensuring that projects are delivered on time and within budget. By identifying and solving problems early, you can help ensure that all parts of the project are moving smoothly together.


An interview can be a nerve-wracking experience. It’s important to have an understanding of the company and its culture before you walk into the room, but it’s equally important to know how to think on your feet during the interview itself.

Each question is designed to test your knowledge and assess your ability to handle situations in a better way. Follow them carefully, and you will sail through this section with flying colors, winning the job offer from the company as well. After all, just like any other aspect of life − preparation is key!

Updated on: 29-Dec-2022


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