Tesults - Notifications

You can setup notifications to be sent by email and with external services such as Slack.


Click ‘config’ from the menu to open the configuration menu, then click ‘Automatic Notifications’.

Automatic Notifications

From here, you can choose to enable or disable test results notifications.

You can also choose to send notifications only when test results change or on every test run. If you submit test results with high frequency, such as part of a continuous integration system, it may be better to only send notifications on changes to avoid getting overrun with emails.

Integration with other services is covered in the next section.


Tesults also sends notifications related to task management. If someone assigns you a test case, you receive a notification email about it. You are also notified when a test case assigned to you passes and is removed from your list.


When team members are added or removed from a project notification messages are sent out about this.
