Telnet with IP address and Port in Python

Telnet, a widely−used network protocol, empowers users to remotely control computers and devices through a command−line interface (CLI). With Telnet, it becomes possible to execute commands and retrieve information from a remote system effortlessly. In this article, we delve into Telnet with IP address and port in Python, focusing on how to establish connections with remote servers. By harnessing the power of Python's Telnet lib module, we can seamlessly interact with Telnet services. From setting up the environment to sending and receiving data, we explore the necessary steps for establishing a Telnet connection. Furthermore, we discuss handling timeouts and exceptions gracefully. With practical examples and output illustrations, we aim to equip readers with the knowledge to leverage Python's Telnet capabilities, enabling efficient automation and control of remote systems.

Setting Up the Environment

Before delving into Telnet implementation with Python, it is crucial to confirm that the required packages are installed. Python's standard library conveniently includes the telnetlib module, which provides the necessary functionality for Telnet operations. Thus, it is imperative to ensure that your Python environment has this module readily available for utilization.

Establishing a Telnet Connection

The process of establishing a Telnet connection serves as the initial step when interacting with a remote server using Telnet in Python. This involves specifying the IP address and port number of the target system and creating a Telnet object to establish the connection. Here's an example of establishing a Telnet connection using Python:

import telnetlib

HOST = ''  # Replace with the IP address of the target server
PORT = 23  # Replace with the port number used by the Telnet service

# Create a Telnet object and connect to the server
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST, PORT)

# Perform actions on the remote system
# ...
# Close the Telnet connection

In this example, we establish a Telnet connection by creating a Telnet object named tn using telnetlib.Telnet(HOST, PORT) function. Here, HOST represents the IP address of the target server, and PORT signifies the specific port used by the Telnet service. This function call initiates the connection process with the designated server. To ensure proper resource management and cleanup, we responsibly close the Telnet connection by invoking tn.close() at the end of our code snippet.

Sending and Receiving Data

Communication through sending and receiving data plays a vital role when utilizing Telnet in Python. Once a connection is established between a client and a remote server using Telnet, the client can transmit commands or data to the server and retrieve the server's response. In the upcoming section, we will delve into the process of sending and receiving data using the telnetlib module in Python.

Here's an example of sending Data:

import telnetlib

HOST = ''  
PORT = 23  

tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST, PORT)



In this example, after establishing the Telnet connection, we use the tn.write() method to send a command to the remote server. The command is passed as a byte sequence by encoding it as b"command". Replace 'command' with the actual command you want to send to the server. Note that commands sent via Telnet are terminated with a newline character (\n).

Here's an example of receiving Data:

import telnetlib

HOST = ''  

PORT = 23  

tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST, PORT)

output = tn.read_until(b"prompt") 



In the example, we use tn.read_until() to receive data from the server after establishing the Telnet connection. By specifying the expected prompt as a byte sequence argument, the program reads data until that prompt is encountered.

The received data is then decoded using output.decode('utf−8') to convert it into a human−readable format. This enables further processing, analysis, or display according to the program's specific needs. In the example, we print the received data to the console for demonstration.

Handling Timeouts and Exceptions

When working with Telnet connections in Python, it's difficult to handle timeouts and exceptions appropriately to ensure the reliability and stability of your code. Timeouts occur when a connection or operation takes longer than the specified duration, while exceptions are raised when unexpected errors or conditions arise during the Telnet communication process.

Setting a timeout is essential to define the maximum duration your code will wait for a response from the Telnet server. By incorporating a timeout, you gain control over your program's behavior and effectively handle scenarios where a response takes an excessively long time or never arrives. Here's an example of setting timeout:

import telnetlib
import socket

tn = telnetlib.Telnet("", 23)
tn.timeout = 10  

except socket.timeout:
    print("Connection timed out.")


In the code snippet above, we set the timeout for the Telnet connection to 10 seconds using the tn.timeout attribute. If the connection or any subsequent operations exceed this timeout, a socket.timeout exception is raised. In the except block, we handle this exception by printing an appropriate error message. Finally, the Telnet connection is closed in the final block to ensure proper resource cleanup.

A ConnectionRefusedError occurs when the Telnet server actively rejects the connection attempt. This typically happens when the server is not available, the port is closed, or there are firewall restrictions. Here's an example:

import telnetlib
import socket

tn = telnetlib.Telnet("", 23)


except ConnectionRefusedError:
    print("Connection refused.")


In the above code, we attempt to establish a Telnet connection. If the connection is refused by the remote server, a ConnectionRefusedError exception is raised. We handle this exception in the except block and print an appropriate error message. Finally, the Telnet connection is closed in the final block.

Example: Retrieving System Information

To demonstrate the practical implementation of Telnet with IP address and port in Python, let's consider a scenario where we aim to retrieve system information from a remote server. Specifically, we will focus on fetching the hostname and current date from the target system. Here's an example showcasing this implementation:

import telnetlib

HOST = ''  
PORT = 23  
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(HOST, PORT)
output = tn.read_until(b"login:")  


hostname = tn.read_until(b"prompt").decode('utf-8')

date = tn.read_until(b"prompt").decode('utf-8')

print("Hostname:", hostname.strip())
print("Date:", date.strip())



Date: June 10, 2023

Please note that the output may vary based on the Telnet server's configuration and system response. To ensure accurate results, it is recommended to test the code with your specific Telnet server, as prompt formats and retrieved information can differ.


In conclusion, Telnet with IP address and port in Python offers developers a robust solution for establishing remote connections and interacting with systems programmatically. The telnetlib module simplifies the process of connecting to remote servers, executing commands, and fetching data. Python's capability to handle timeouts and exceptions ensures graceful error handling in Telnet connections. Whether it's automating tasks or retrieving system information, Telnet with IP address and port in Python proves to be a versatile tool for efficient remote control and management.

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023


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