Technical SEO for Real Estate Websites: A Comprehensive Guide

In an era of intense online competition and fast-evolving web technology, it’s more important than ever for real estate agents and property owners to optimize their websites for maximum search engine visibility. To help you out, here's a comprehensive guide on how to implement effective technical SEO strategies for real estate websites. Read on to learn the essential techniques you need to drive organic traffic through Google and beyond!

What is Real Estate SEO?

Real estate SEO is a set of SEO practices to optimize your content. It optimizes every aspect of your website and increases its chance of ranking in search engines.

It includes several activities such as optimizing content, auditing the site, improving website structure, keyword research, competitive analysis, and many more. There are no specific rules for conducting an SEO. Each website is different and needs unique SEO strategies.

It includes several activities such as optimizing content, auditing the site, improving website structure, keyword research, competitive analysis, and many more. There are no specific rules for conducting an SEO. Each website is different and needs unique SEO strategies.

Benefits of Technical SEO for Real Estate Websites

Technical SEO includes all a Site's back-end activities that are not visible to the audiences. It involves activities such as −

  • Improving the site’s crawlability so that Googlebot can easily find your site and webpages

  • Letting Google index your website and list it in search engine

  • Help search engines and users find your site easily

  • Remove onsite duplication issues so that Google doesn’t penalize your site for plagiarised contents

  • Adding structure to your website to improve user experience and make it easier for Google to index your site

Technical SEO Tips for Real-estate Websites

Conduct a technical audit of your site

You need to make your site technically optimized to remove all the issues that hamper search engines from ranking your site.

A full technical audit of your site will reveal all the issues, including −

  • Canonical and hreflang tags issue

  • Duplicate URLs and duplicate content issues

  • Issues in website structure, internal linking, and orphan pages

  • XML sitemaps and robot-txt

  • SSL certification and site security

  • Negative SEO, such as harmful links pointing to your site

Fix all Crawling and Indexing Issues

Fixing the crawling and indexing issues in your site must be your priority. Without this, your site will never be ranked in search results. Issues affecting crawlability and indexing include broken links, inaccurate sitemaps, onsite page duplicates, slow load speed, and outdated URLs.

List Yourself Locally

Google favors businesses that enlisted themselves in business listing sites. For example, Google Business Profile, Yelp, etc. Make sure you have the following −

  • Mentioned your business name, address, timings, contact information, and other relevant information.

  • You have added a GPS location pointing precisely to the address mentioned in the listing.

Ask your customers to leave you a review and give good ratings for your service. This will boost your chance to rank in Google.

Use Real Estate Schema Markup

Schema markup codes in HTML allow search engines to understand what your site is all about. For example, 'apple' could mean 'fruit' or the brand name. Schema markup adds intent behind the name.

Use RealEstateListing and RealEstateAgent Schema for Your Real Estate Business

The real estate listing schema allows you to display relevant information to search engines such as −

  • The date of the listings

  • Location

  • Price of the home or lease

  • Duration of the lease

Restructured your content as per the schema markup, and you may be able to get your business featured in Google’s featured snippet.

Get Local Backlinks

Backlinks are similar to the “word-of-mouth” referrals concept of the digital world. A backlink from a website serves as a vote of confidence. A local backlink could be a link from a local online source, a business directory, a local newspaper listing, or a blog.

When Google crawls your site and sees sites from high authority domains referring to it, it increases your chance to rank higher in search engines.

Understand user Behavior and Demand Using a Web Analytics Tool

To succeed, you must understand how your customers think and behave. For this, you need to use an analytics tool like Siteimprove. It provides data about your users and their journey. You can set strategies to classify your users in different segments and target them with content and information more relevant to them.

Adding heatmaps on your essential pages also helps you understand how your users interact with your listings.

Spend Time Interlinking

When Google crawls your site, it starts from one page, moves to another, and so on. This means all your pages should be interconnected to each other. If the crawler hits a broken link, it can negatively affect your ranking factor.


When done correctly, technical SEO (search engine optimization) can ensure that your website appears higher up in relevant search results pages – resulting in more qualified leads and better conversion rates. If you need help, hire an expert team to do the needful.

Updated on: 19-Apr-2023


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