Stella Octangula Number

In mathematics, a Stella Octangula number is a figurate number based on the Stella Octangula, of the form n(2n2 − 1).

Stella Octangula numbers which are perfect squares are 1 and 9653449.

Problem Statement

Given a number n, check whether it is the Stella Octangula number or not. The sequence of Stella Octangula numbers is 0, 1, 14, 51, 124, 245, 426, 679, 1016, 1449, 1990



x = 14




$$\mathrm{For\: n = 2, expression \:n\lgroup 2n^2 – 1\rgroup is\: 14}$$



n = 22




$$\mathrm{There \:is\: no\: n\: for\: which\: n(2n^2 – 1)\: is\: 22}$$


There are two possible solutions.

Approach 1

An easy method to solve this is finding the value of n(2n2 – 1) for n starting from 0 and then comparing it to the given number(consider it as x). We will keep on incrementing n and re-calculating n(2n2 – 1) until it becomes equal to x, which will mean that x is a Stella octangula number. We will stop if the value becomes greater than x, this would mean that x is not a Stella octangula number.


while n*(2*n*n - 1) is less than x
	n = n + 1
if n*(2*n*n - 1) is equal to x
	then return yes
else return false


Below is a C++ program to check if the given number is a Stella octangula number or not using the above discussed approach.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Function to check the input number
int checkStellaOctangula(int x){
   // Initiating n from 0
   int n = 0;
   // Calculating n*(2*n*n - 1) for each n
   // and incrementing n if it is less than x
   while(n*(2*n*n - 1)<x){
   // checking if the value of an expression is equal to x
   // if it's equal, return true
   if(n*(2*n*n - 1)==x){
      return true;
   // otherwise return false
   return false;
int main(){
   int x = 51;
   if (checkStellaOctangula(x)){  
      cout << "Yes";
      cout << "No";
   return 0;


For input x = 52, the above C++ program will produce the following output −


Time complexity of this can go to O(x) as the upper bound.

Space complexity for this is O(1) as it doesn't use any extra space.

Approach 2

A more effective method of checking if the number is Stella Octangular or not is by using an Unbounded Binary Search.

In this method, we start from n = 1 and calculate the value of n(2n2 – 1) every time we double the value of i. We will do this until the value of expression n(2n2 – 1) is less than x.

After that, we will check if the value of the expression is equal to x or not. If it is equal to x then we return true, otherwise we make a call to binary search. In this call, we will compare the x with the value of expression n(2n2 – 1) in the range n/2 to n and return true if they are equal, else return false.


while n*(2*n*n - 1) is less than x
	n = n * 2
if n*(2*n*n - 1) is equal to x
	then return yes
	Repeat until low>=high
	If n*(2*n*n - 1) < x, 
	Else If n*(2*n*n - 1) > x 
		return true


Below is a C++ program to check if the given number is a Stella octangula number or not using the above discussed approach.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to calculate value of n*(2*n*n - 1)
int calculateExp(int n) {
   return n*(2*n*n - 1);
// Using binary search to search for a value of n for which
// expression has value equal to x
// where n lies in the interval (low to high)
// low is n/2 and high is n
bool binarySearch(int low, int high, int x){
   while (low <= high) {
      int mid = (low + high) / 2;
      if (calculateExp(mid) < x){
         low = mid + 1;
      else if (calculateExp(mid) > x){
         high = mid - 1;
         return true;
   return false;
// Function to check the input number
bool checkStellaOctangula(int x){
   // Edge case
   if (x == 0)
   return true;
   // Starting from n = 1 and doubling it
   // while the value of expression is less than x
   int n = 1;
   while (calculateExp(n) < x){
      n = n*2;
   // If the expression is equal to x
   // return true
   if (calculateExp(n) == x){
      return true;
   // Otherwise call binary search
   // range for the search decided by
   // finding value of expression for n
   // in range n/2 to n
 return binarySearch(n/2, n, x);

int main(){
   int x = 51;
   if (checkStellaOctangula(x)){ 
      cout << "Yes";
      cout << "No";
   return 0;


For input x = 51, the above C++ program will produce the following output:


The time complexity is O(log n) as we are doubling the value of n for each iteration

Space complexity for this is O(1) as it doesn't use any extra space.


We discussed 2 methods. In 1st method we linearly incremented n and calculated n*(2*n*n - 1) for each value and compared it to x. This method was very slow and ineffective. In the 2nd method we doubled the value of n and then calculated n*(2*n*n - 1) and compared it to x, this is a much faster and effective method.

Updated on: 24-Aug-2023


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