In an election, there were only two candidates. The winner polled 53% votes and won by 9600 votes. Find the total number of votes polled

Given: In an election, there were only two candidates. The winner polled 53% votes and won by 9600 votes.

To do:  To find the total number of votes polled.


Let $x$ be the total number of poles.

Number of votes got by winner$=53$ %$=\frac{53}{100}x=0.53x$

Number of votes got by loser$=100$ %$-53$ %$=47$ %$=\frac{47}{100}x=0.47x$

As given that the winner got 53% votes and won by $9600$ votes

Therefore, $0.53x-0.47x=9600$

$\Rightarrow 0.06x=9600$

$\Rightarrow x=\frac{9600}{0.06}$

$\Rightarrow x=160000$

Therefore, the total number of votes polled is $160000$.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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