How many kilograms of tea, worth 300/- Per Kg should be mixed with 10 Kg of tea worth 240/- per kg to produce a mixture to cost 260/- per kg.

To find:  How many kilograms of tea, worth 300/- Per Kg should be mixed with 10 Kg of tea worth 240/- per kg to produce a mixture to cost 260/- per kg.\


Let $y$ kg of tea worth Rs.300 be added,

Quantity of tea taken that was worth Rs.240 =10 kg

Total quantity of tea that will be produced after mix= $(10+y)$ kg

The final tea mixture should cost 260 per kg

Cost of tea = $240\times10 + 300\times y = 260\times(10+y)$

Solving the above, we get $y=5$.

Therefore, 5kg of tea worth Rs.300 should be added

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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