Classify the objects or material given below as opaque, transparent or translucent and luminous or non-luminous:Air, Water, a piece of rock, a sheet of aluminium, a mirror, a wooden board, a sheet of polythene, a CD, smoke, a sheet of plane glass, fog, piece of red hot iron, an umbrella, a lighted fluorescent tube, a wall, a sheet of carbon paper, the flame of a gas burner, a sheet of cardboard, a lighted torch, a sheet of cellophane, a wire mesh, kerosene stove, sun, firefly, the moon.

(1) Opaque - Those objects which does not allow light to pass through them, known as opaque. Example: Wooden board, A wall.

(2) Transparent - Those objects which allow light to pass through them in straight lines, known as transparent. As a result, we can see the objects clearly. Example: Plane mirror, Air. 

(3) Translucent - Those objects which let some light to pass through them, known as translucent. In these type of objects, the light rays get scatter in all directions, so we cannot see clearly through them. Example: Fog, Smoke.

(4) Luminous - Those objects which emit light on their own. Example: Sun, Firefly.

(5) Non-luminous - Those objects which can't emit light on their own, rather reflect the light from luminous bodies, known as Non-luminous. Example: Moon, Mirror.

Based on the above definitions the objects or material given can be classified as:-


A piece of rock, a sheet of aluminium, a mirror, a wooden board,  a CD, an umbrella, a wall, a sheet of carbon paper,  a sheet of cardboard.

Air, water, a sheet of plane glass.

A sheet of polythene, smoke, fog, a sheet of cellophane, a wire mesh.

4. Luminous
A piece of red hot iron, a lighted fluorescent tube, the flame of a gas burner, a lighted torch, sun, firefly, kerosene stove.
5. Non- luminous

Air, water, a piece of rock, a sheet of aluminium, a mirror,

a wooden  board, a sheet of polythene, a CD, smoke, a sheet of plane glass, fog, an umbrella, a wall, a sheet of carbon paper, a sheet of cardboard, a sheet of cellophane, a wire mesh, kerosene stove, moon.

Updated on: 10-Oct-2022


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