Name Some Advantages of Using Swift

This article will explain to you the advantages of using the Swift programming language.

Introduction of the Swift language

Swift is a clean and concise programming language that is growing fast and becoming increasingly popular. Swift was initially used for iOS development but has become very popular for many other things like macOS, watchOS, and server-side development.

Apple introduced the Swift language as an open-source programming language as a replacement for Objective−C, C, and C++. The Swift language was created in 2014 and released publicly in 2015 by Apple Inc.

We can say Swift is a modern programming language like JavaScript, Kotlin, and Python. Its short syntax and easy readability make it a popular language, especially for Apple development. We can build apps for iOS 7+ and macOS 10.9+ versions.

Advantages of the Swift Language

It's open source

Swift has been open−source since December 2015. There is easy access to knowledge bases created by the community for developers at all levels, and they can contribute to bug fixes, share their solutions, etc.

It's safe

Swift eliminates entire classes of unsafe code as a preventative measure, resulting in cleaner code and fewer runtime crashes than C−based languages. Swift initializes variables before use, checks arrays and integers for overflow, and manages memory automatically. Additionally, code errors can be easily spotted by developers, reducing debugging time and eliminating the possibility of low−quality code.

It is intended to be a type−safe programming language. Type safety refers to the language preventing any type of error. Memory−safe means that it avoids vulnerabilities linked to uninitialized pointers, which could lead to a program crash.

It's fast

According to Apple, the search algorithm completes up to 2.6 times faster than Objective−C and up to 8.4 times faster than Python 2.7. Swift is compiled with LLVM, which translates assembly language into machine code. This reduces the amount of code needed for development compared to Objective−C. When Swift is used both on the back end and front end of an application, for example, developers can share and reuse code extensively. This speeds up the development process and reduces effort.

Interoperable with Objective-C

Using Swift, you can create an entirely new app or add enhanced features and functionality to your existing one. It has full access to your Objective−C API and coexists alongside existing Objective−C files in the same project.

Low memory footprint

Your app's code includes a lot of third-party code − reusable and often open-source frameworks and libraries. It is possible to have static libraries as well as dynamic libraries (or shared libraries). Since static libraries are locked into the code at the time of compilation, they become part of your executable file, increasing its size and loading time.

Play with playgrounds

Swift playground is a development environment released within Xcode. The Swift playground allows developers, students, and others to learn the Swift programming language without creating any projects. This app is available on iPad as well, so you can learn the Swift language more quickly. The playground app provides a run−time environment to run Swift code.

Effective memory management

In Swift, ARC determines which class instances are no longer in use and gets rid of them automatically. They are useful for reducing the memory footprint. Before ARC, developers had to manage memory manually and track reference counts for every class. ARC eliminates the need for developers to perform these tasks manually, which allows increased performance without lag in memory.

Low maintenance

Once an app is built with Swift it’s easy to maintain. Compared to Objective−C, which is managed in two separate files, Swift combines the Objective−C header (.m) and implementation files (.h) into a single program (.swift) file.

Use of optionals

Optionals are a programming concept that enables developers to prevent app crashes while ensuring clean code is maintained across the application. Think of it as a wrapper type, which wraps the value inside. An optional can either contain something or be empty. To know for sure, optionals need to be unwrapped, and if done properly, they won’t cause crashes.

Faster development process

It is found to be an expressive and clean language consisting of simplified grammar and syntax. We can easily read and write Swift. It only needs very basic coding. No developer would need to spend much time and effort managing their app’s memory consumption. It would take a very short time for you to build Swift apps.

Cross-device support

In addition to front−end support, Swift also provides back-end functionality. This would also allow code sharing and reusing extensively. This can speed up your development process and reduce your overall development efforts.


Writing Swift code is interactive and fun, the syntax is concise yet expressive, and apps run lightning−fast. Swift possesses safe programming patterns, and it adds modern features to make programming easier, more flexible, and more fun.

Mobile applications can be developed using the Swift language because it has many advantages. Because of these features, the Swift language is gaining popularity in the workplace.

Updated on: 09-Dec-2022


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