Lazy Predict Library in Python for Machine Learning

Machine learning has helped in a transformative era in data analysis, revolutionizing how we uncover intricate patterns, make precise predictions, and extract meaningful insights from complex datasets. Yet, the process of implementing machine learning models can often feel overwhelming, with its intricate coding, meticulous parameter tuning, and exhaustive evaluation. Luckily, Python comes to the rescue with an invaluable library known as "Lazy Predict," designed to simplify this entire process. In this article, we will embark on an exploration of the Lazy Predict library, delving into its diverse range of functionalities and uncovering the remarkable ways in which it expedites the machine learning workflow. By harnessing the power of Lazy Predict, data scientists and machine learning practitioners can reclaim precious time and effort, allowing them to focus their energies on the critical tasks of analyzing and interpreting model results. So, let us set forth on this enlightening journey, as we unveil the captivating features and remarkable benefits that Lazy Predict brings to the realm of Python−based machine learning.

Lazy Predict Overview

Lazy Predict is a Python package created to accelerate the process of model selection and evaluation in machine learning. It automates the construction and assessment of multiple models on a given dataset, offering a comprehensive summary report that showcases the performance of each model. By simplifying the workflow, Lazy Predict reduces the time and effort required by data scientists and machine learning practitioners. It provides support for a diverse range of supervised machine learning models, enabling users to efficiently compare and choose the optimal model for their specific task. With Lazy Predict, users can streamline their machine−learning projects, freeing up time to concentrate on other crucial aspects of their analysis.

Installation and Setup

Let's go through the installation process before we examine Lazy Predict's features. Using the pip package manager, installing Lazy Predict is simple.

pip install lazypredict

This command will download and install the Lazy Predict library along with its dependencies on your system.

Once installed via pip, seamlessly integrate Lazy Predict into your Python projects by importing the necessary classes and functions. With its powerful capabilities, automate model selection and evaluation to streamline your workflow. Analyze model performances effortlessly, making informed decisions on which models to utilize. By leveraging Lazy Predict, expedite the machine learning process and allocate more focus to interpreting and utilizing the generated results.

Using Lazy Predict

Step 1: Import the Required Libraries and Load the Dataset

To begin, import the essential libraries required for your machine−learning task. For instance, if you're tackling a classification problem, you'll likely need pandas for data manipulation, sci−kit−learn for model training, and LazyClassifier for lazy predict.Supervised for utilizing Lazy Predict's functionalities. Additionally, load your dataset into a pandas DataFrame. Let's consider an example:

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from lazypredict.Supervised import LazyClassifier

# Load the Iris dataset
iris = load_iris()
X = pd.DataFrame(, columns=iris.feature_names)
y =

Step 2: Split the Data into Training and Testing Sets

Now, split your dataset into training and testing sets using the train_test_split function from sci−kit−learn. This allows you to evaluate the performance of the models on unseen data.

Here's an example:

# Split the data into training and testing sets
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

Step 3: Create an Instance of LazyClassifier and Fit the Data

Now comes the exciting part − create an instance of LazyClassifier and fit it into your training data. This step activates the remarkable functionality of Lazy Predict, automatically constructing and evaluating multiple machine learning models in a breeze. You'll witness the power of Lazy Predict as it effortlessly handles the complexity of model building and evaluation, giving you a comprehensive overview of various models' performances.

Here's an example:

# Create an instance of LazyClassifier
clf = LazyClassifier(verbose=0, ignore_warnings=True, custom_metric=None)

# Fit the classifier to the training data
models, predictions =, X_test, y_train, y_test)

In the code above, the verbose parameter is set to 0 to suppress the output of model summaries during the fitting process. The ignore_warnings parameter is set to True to ignore any warning messages that might arise. The custom_metric parameter allows users to define their own evaluation metric if needed.

Step 4: Obtain the Model Summary Report

You can get the Lazy Predict model summary report after the fitting procedure is finished. This report compares the results of various models on the provided dataset.

Here's an example:


The output of Lazy Predict will present a comprehensive table showcasing the performance metrics of each model. This table includes the model names, along with their corresponding accuracy, balanced accuracy, F1 score, training time, and prediction time. It allows users to compare and assess the strengths and weaknesses of different models easily. The accuracy metric represents the overall correctness of the model's predictions, while balanced accuracy considers imbalanced datasets.

Limitations and Considerations

  • Oversimplification

    Lazy Predict provides a quick evaluation of models but may oversimplify the model selection process. It doesn't consider model−specific hyperparameter tuning or advanced feature engineering techniques, which can significantly impact model performance.

  • Dataset size

    Lazy Predict's performance is influenced by the size of the dataset, and it's important to consider the computational implications when dealing with large datasets. As the dataset size increases, running and evaluating multiple models can become more computationally demanding and time−consuming.

  • Model diversity

    Although Lazy Predict supports a wide range of models, it might not include some specialized or state−of−the−art models. In such cases, users may need to explore additional libraries or manually implement specific models.

  • Interpretability

    Lazy Predict focuses on performance evaluation rather than providing detailed model interpretations. If interpretability is crucial for a particular task, users may need to employ alternative techniques to analyze and understand the models' inner workings.


Lazy Predict is a valuable asset in the Python ecosystem, streamlining the machine−learning workflow by automating model selection and evaluation. It saves time and effort for users of all levels, allowing them to explore multiple models, compare performances, and gain insights swiftly. Ideal for rapid prototyping, education, and initial model exploration, Lazy Predict enhances productivity and efficiency. However, it's important to consider its limitations and supplement it with additional steps like hyperparameter tuning and feature engineering for complex tasks. Overall, Lazy Predict is a powerful tool that significantly enhances the machine learning toolkit, benefiting Python−based projects.

Updated on: 25-Jul-2023


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