Is python necessary to learn for machine learning

Python is a very powerful programming and it is heavily used in various fields. Python is considered to be the most popular programming language among developers at the moment and the reason for the rising popularity of python is the efficiency and simplicity it offers. In today’s modern digital era, data is everything and the management of this data is the biggest challenge for the tech powerhouses around the globe.

When a machine is created to think and learn on the basis of past experiences, data complexity is inevitable. So, the smart move is to use a programming language that can reduce the code complexity.

Python is our best asset when it comes to dealing with complex data. In this article, we will discuss the importance of python in the field of machine learning and the various alternatives available in the system. Before we dive deep into the topic let’s quickly go through the overview of this article. This article is divided into two sections −

Understanding Machine Learning

Machine learning is the art of producing next generation machines with the capabilities to learn with the help of models. A developer creates a model with the help of mathematical equations and tools and then train it.

The process of training involves feature engineering. Feature engineering is the technique of feeding models with different kind of input and output data and based on this data, an algorithm or program is returned. Machine learning is a sub field of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence focuses on the creation of machines with similar thinking capabilities as of humans.

The entire mechanism works on the principle of prediction analysis. Let’s suppose we have a puzzle problem and we want to solve this problem with the help of machine learning. We will feed the machine with all the possible input and output result for that particular puzzle and then ask the machine to make a prediction. In the early stages, machines will target a broader spectrum of result but as more data will be rendered and uploaded the accuracy will increase.

Role of Python

Python opens the door for meticulous programming. When we are dealing with a complex tool, we need a language that can support the environment as well as reduces the code of lines and complexity. Python is the best language for these kind of tasks because of its short and single line codes. It also increases the readability of the program.

Python is used in the field of machine learning to build models and algorithm. It offers numerous inbuilt libraries based on artificial intelligence, deep learning and machine learning. For example: - “spaCy”, “scipy”, “pyDatalog”, “NumPy”.

Due to the simple and uncanny resemblance with English language, it is preferred by professionals as well as beginners who are aspiring to become a developer. This is the reason it has a large community base.

Python supports an integrated environment which allows the combination of two programming languages like: - Java and python, python and C++ etc. We can create a list of input data and then pass a list of appropriate responses. Similarly, we can create a dictionary of inter related data and use key and values to trigger responses.

Updated on: 27-Feb-2023


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