HTML onscroll Event Attribute

The HTML onscroll event attribute is triggered when an HTML element is scrolled by using its scrollbar in an HTML document.


Following is the syntax −

<tagname onscroll=”script”></tagname>

Let us see an example of HTML onscroll event Attribute −


 Live Demo

<!DOCTYPE html>
   body {
      color: #000;
      height: 100vh;
      background: linear-gradient(62deg, #FBAB7E 0%, #F7CE68 100%) no-repeat;
      text-align: center;
      padding: 20px;
   .box-para {
      border: 2px solid #fff;
      padding: 10px;
      width: 200px;
      height: 200px;
      overflow: scroll;
      margin: 1rem auto;
<h1>HTML onscroll Event Attribute Demo</h1>
<p onscroll="scrollFn()" class="box-para">
This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. 
This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. 
This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. 
This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. 
This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. 
This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. 
This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. This is a paragraph element with some dummy text. 
This is a paragraph element with some dummy text.</p>
<p>Scroll above paragraph text to increase its font size</p>
   function scrollFn() {
      document.querySelector(".box-para").style.fontSize = "1.5rem";


Scroll through the paragraph content to observe how onscroll event attribute works −

Updated on: 26-Sep-2019


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