How to Rename SQL Server Schema?


To rename a schema in SQL Server, you can use the sp_rename stored procedure to change the name of the schema. Before you can rename a schema, you need to make sure that the schema is not being used by any objects in the database. You can do this by running a query to check for objects that belong to the schema. If the schema is being used by objects in the database, you will need to either drop or transfer ownership of the objects to a different schema before you can rename the schema.

Once you have verified that the schema is not being used by any objects and have transferred ownership of any necessary objects, you can use the sp_rename stored procedure to change the name of the schema. This will rename the schema and update all references to the schema in the database to the new name.


To rename a schema in SQL Server means to change the name of the schema using the sp_rename stored procedure. A schema in SQL Server is a named container for database objects such as tables, views, and stored procedures. Renaming a schema will change the name of the schema and update all references to the schema in the database to the new name.


EXEC sp_rename 'old_schema_name', 'new_schema_name' 

This will rename the schema and update all references to the schema in the database to the new name.

Steps to rename a schema in SQL Server

  • Verify that the schema you want to rename is not being used by any objects in the database. You can do this by running the following command −

SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE schema_id = SCHEMA_ID('old_schema_name')
  • If the query returns no rows, then you can proceed with renaming the schema. To rename the schema, you can use the following command −

EXEC sp_rename 'old_schema_name', 'new_schema_name'
  • If the schema is being used by objects in the database, you will need to either drop or transfer ownership of the objects to a different schema before you can rename the schema. You can transfer ownership of the objects using the following command −

ALTER SCHEMA new_schema_name TRANSFER old_schema_name.object_name
  • Once you have transferred ownership of all the objects, you can then proceed with renaming the schema as described in step 2.

Important Points While renaming SQL Server Schema

Here are some important points to consider when renaming a schema in SQL Server −

  • Verify that the schema is not being used by any objects in the database. If the schema is being used by objects in the database, you will need to either drop or transfer ownership of the objects to a different schema before you can rename the schema.

  • Make sure you have the necessary permissions to rename the schema. You need to have the ALTER permission on the schema to rename it.

  • If you are using a third-party application that references the schema, make sure to update the application to use the new schema name after renaming the schema.

  • If you are using the schema as a default schema for a user or role, you will need to update the default schema assignment after renaming the schema.

  • Be careful when renaming a schema, as it can have unintended consequences on existing queries and applications that reference the schema. It is a good idea to test the rename operation in a staging environment before applying it to production.


  • These steps apply to SQL Server versions 2005 and later. In earlier versions of SQL Server, you will need to use a different method to rename a schema.

  • Renaming a schema can have unintended consequences, so it is a good idea to test the rename operation in a staging environment before applying it to production.

Updated on: 25-Jan-2023

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