Check Constraint in MS SQL Server


SQL Server is a powerful relational database management system that is widely used in various industries. One of the key features of SQL Server is its ability to enforce constraints on data to ensure data integrity and consistency. One such constraint is the check constraint, which allows users to specify a Boolean expression that must evaluate to true for any data that is inserted or updated in a specific column or table. In this article, we will discuss the concept of check constraints in SQL Server, how to create and implement them, and real-world examples of their use.

What is a Check Constraint?

A check constraint is a rule that is defined on a specific column or table in a SQL Server database. It is used to limit the values that can be inserted or updated in that column or table. The check constraint is a Boolean expression that must evaluate to true for any data that is inserted or updated. If the expression evaluates to false, the data insertion or update will fail and an error message will be displayed.

For example, if we have a table called "Employees" with a column called "Age", we may want to ensure that no employee's age is less than 18 or greater than 65. We can do this by creating a check constraint that specifies that the Age column must be between 18 and 65. Any data insertion or update that does not meet this criterion will be rejected.

Creating Check Constraints

Check constraints can be created using the ALTER TABLE statement in SQL Server. The basic syntax for creating a check constraint is as follows −

ALTER TABLE table_name ADD CONSTRAINT constraint_name CHECK (Boolean_expression)

For example, to create a check constraint on the Age column of the Employees table, we would use the following SQL statement −

ALTER TABLE Employees ADD CONSTRAINT AgeCheck CHECK (Age >= 18 AND Age <= 65)

This creates a check constraint called "AgeCheck" on the Employees table, which ensures that any data inserted or updated in the Age column must be between 18 and 65.

Implementing Check Constraints

Once a check constraint has been created, it will be enforced automatically by SQL Server whenever data is inserted or updated in the specified column or table. If the Boolean expression in the check constraint evaluates to false, the data insertion or update will fail and an error message will be displayed.

For example, if we try to insert a new employee into the Employees table with an age of 17, the following error message will be displayed −

The INSERT statement conflicted with the CHECK constraint "AgeCheck". The conflict occurred in database "database_name", table "dbo.Employees", column 'Age'. The statement has been terminated.

It is also possible to disable and re-enable check constraints using the ALTER TABLE statement. To disable a check constraint, use the following syntax −

ALTER TABLE table_name NOCHECK CONSTRAINT constraint_name

To re-enable a disabled check constraint, use the following syntax −

ALTER TABLE table_name CHECK CONSTRAINT constraint_name

Real-World Examples

Check constraints are a powerful tool for ensuring data integrity and consistency in SQL Server databases. Here are a few examples of how they can be used in real-world scenarios −

In a financial database, a check constraint could be used to ensure that all transaction amounts are positive numbers.

  • In a human resources database, a check constraint could be used to ensure that all employee salaries are within a certain range.

  • In a retail database, a check constraint could be used to ensure that all product prices are above a certain amount.

  • In a healthcare database, a check constraint could be used to ensure that all patient's ages are above a certain age.

Other Topics to Consider

  • Using check constraints with multiple columns − In some cases, you may need to create a check constraint that involves multiple columns in a table. For example, in a table of orders, you may want to ensure that the quantity ordered is less than the quantity in stock. This can be achieved by creating a check constraint that references both the quantity ordered and the quantity in stock columns.

  • Creating check constraints with subqueries− Check constraints can also be created using subqueries to compare the value being inserted or updated with values in other tables. This can be useful for enforcing complex data integrity rules that involve multiple tables.

  • Performance considerations − Keep in mind that check constraints are evaluated every time a new row is inserted or updated, so it is important to ensure that the Boolean expression in the check constraint is as efficient as possible. Using indexes, for example, can improve the performance of check constraints.

  • Combining check constraints with other constraints: Check constraints can be used in conjunction with other constraints, such as primary key and foreign key constraints, to provide multiple layers of data integrity and consistency.

  • Using check constraints for data validation − Check constraints can also be used for data validation purposes in a application, for example, you can use check constraint to validate the input of an user in a form.

  • Managing check constraints − As a database administrator, you may need to manage existing check constraints, such as disabling or re-enabling them, modifying their definitions, or dropping them.

  • Handling errors − When a check constraint is violated, an error is raised. You can handle this by using TRY-CATCH block, it allows you to handle the error and give a meaningful message to the user.


Check constraints are a valuable tool for enforcing data integrity and consistency in SQL Server databases. They allow users to specify a Boolean expression that must evaluate to true for any data that is inserted or updated in a specific column or table. This can be used to ensure that data meets certain criteria, such as being within a certain range or having a certain value. By understanding how to create and implement check constraints in SQL Server, developers can ensure that their databases are protected from bad data and maintain high-quality of data.

Updated on: 16-Jan-2023


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