How to Quickly Print First Page of Each Sheet?

Excel is a powerful tool with an array of features that enhance productivity and streamline work processes. Among its many functions, printing specific pages from multiple sheets can prove particularly valuable. In this article, we will explore how to quickly print the first page of each sheet in Excel, saving you time and effort

By printing only the first page of each worksheet within an Excel file, you gain considerable control over document organization. For larger files containing multiple worksheets or tabs, quick identification becomes effortless when key information from every sheet is condensed onto a single−page summary. This feature streamlines data analysis projects by allowing users to swiftly navigate through various sections without wasting time scrolling or searching.

Time−Saving Functionality

Printing all pages within large Excel files can be tedious and time−consuming. Fortunately, by focusing solely on printing just one page per worksheet, unnecessary repetition is eliminated while retaining critical content visibility simultaneously. With fewer pages to print overall, valuable time is saved during both preparation and actual printing processes

Enhanced Presentation Aesthetics

Printing only the first page creates visually appealing summaries that aid in presenting data in a clear and concise manner − particularly useful for sharing reports with colleagues or stakeholders during meetings or presentations. Eliminating extraneous pages reduces cluttered visuals typical to multi−page spreadsheets while maintaining pertinent headers alongside summarized data points for optimal comprehension.

Reduced Consumption of Resources

Printing vast quantities of paper not only contributes to environmental concerns but also engenders significant financial costs over time. By embracing selective printing practices offered by Excel's "first page per sheet" option, you exercise environmentally conscious behavior by minimizing paper wastage while cutting down on expenses associated with continual restocking.

Efficient Accessibility for Document Sharing

In the age of digitization, sharing files electronically has become customary. However, there are occasions when hard copies must be distributed or presented physically. By printing only, the first page of an Excel worksheet, you ensure that crucial information is readily accessible even without access to electronic devices at any given moment. This convenience accommodates instances where paper copies are required urgently or if technology fails.

Example 1: To Print first page of each Using the 'Page setup'

Step 1

Utilizing Page Break Preview − Printing only select pages across various sheets requires utilizing Excel's powerful feature called Page Break Preview. Click anywhere within the preferred worksheet or sheet where you want to begin printing from.

Step 2

Go to the "View" tab situated at the top ribbon. And locate and click on "Page Break Preview". This view allows you to visualize the boundary lines for each printed page. Identify and drag the blue page break lines using your cursor to define which sections should be captured in a single printout per sheet. Repeat step iv if necessary, applying adjustments across all sheets as needed.

Step 3

Print First Page of Each Sheet − After all, customizations have been made, it's time to tackle printing only the first page of every worksheet. Select the entire “page 1” portion as below,

Step 4

Press “Ctrl + P” on your keyboard or click "File" at the top−left corner and select "Print" from the dropdown options. The Print dialog box will appear.

  • In the Settings section of this dialog box, select "Print Only Current Selection".

  • Adjust any additional print settings as desired (like orientation, paper size)

  • Finally hit the "Print" button to initiate printing operations. Excel will automatically take care of processing only one selected page per sheet.

Example 2: To Print first page of each Using the 'VBA'

Step 1

For those seeking a more automated solution across many spreadsheets or workbooks containing numerous pages, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) can be used. This technique allows the creation of custom macros that enable one−click automation.

Step 2

Press ALT + F11 to access the Visual Basic Editor. Insert a new module from the “Insert tab”.

Step 3

rovided code into the newly created module.

Sub Printfirstpage()
Dim g1 As Worksheet
For Each g1 In Application.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
    g1.PrintOut from:=1, To:=1
End Sub

Step 4

Close the editor and display the macro by pressing ALT + F8, selecting "Printfirstpage," and pressing the button "Run."

Step 6

The final window will be similar to the one below, which prints the first page of the respective sheet selected in the Excel.


Mastering how to quickly print the first page of each sheet in Excel can significantly enhance productivity by streamlining report generation without wasting paper or unnecessary effort. By leveraging customized pages and harnessing features such as Page Break Preview, users can efficiently handle complex workbooks while maintaining professional standards with minimal hassle.

Updated on: 07-Aug-2023


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