How to make Money with ChatGPT?

Things have started changing a lot in the Tech as well as the non-tech space as soon as ChatGPT was introduced to the world. This Generative AI language model which is built by OpenAI can do multiple tasks from writing essays to even writing and debugging code, or even acting as a consultant. So, no wonder that we can do multiple stuff using this Generative AI model to make money out of it.

In this article, we will go through various ways to earn money using ChatGPT.

Cost of Using ChatGPT

The basic version of ChatGPT is currently free to use. However, for those using more advanced features, the premium version is available for a subscription fee of approximately $20 USD per month (as of July 2023).

While the premium version has its own benefits like priority access and improved performance, the basic version is mostly enough for most of the tasks discussed here. Although downtimes may come up sometimes due to heavy traffic or multiple logins through the same account, the basic version still works fine for many users.

Top 10 Ways to Make Money Using ChatGPT

Here, we will discuss the top 10 ways in which you can make money using ChatGPT.

Providing Language Translation Services

By using ChatGPT as translation tool, you can offer translation services to individuals or businesses with its multi-lingual feature. From translating documents, and websites, to even conversations in real-time, ChatGPT translator can easily help in providing smooth communication across different languages.

You can even consider providing language tutorials and classes using ChatGPT for translation with its multi-lingual feature!

The typical translation services will provide you with 600 INR per page in India.

Providing Business Ideas or Acting as a Business Consultant

ChatGPT has a huge knowledge base. This lets users easily brainstorm innovative business ideas and use ChatGPT as a business consultant. You can work with businesses and startups across industries and work as a business consultant for all of them.

You can use ChatGPT for business for its insights and analytical skills to help individuals and organizations make informed decisions, develop strategies, and find new opportunities. An average business consultant in India earns 361 INR/hour or 9 LPA.

Email Marketing

Using ChatGPT in writing emails with its personalized yet professional writer skills, you can create and implement email marketing campaigns. You can curate and customize really good email content that engages customers, boosts open rates, and even increases conversions.

ChatGPT can help in creating personalized and powerful email drips, newsletters, and promotional materials for businesses and individuals across industries with its email writer capabilities.

An email marketer usually earns 261 INR/hour or 6.5 LPA on average. And if you are looking to get into the global market then the earning potential is even higher.

Prompt Engineering Services

ChatGPT has in-built AI Prompt Generator features that let it write code and also prompt engineering. From helping users debug code, writing scripts, or even automating tasks, ChatGPT can act as helpful assistance for developers and programmers with the best ChatGPT prompts.

As a prompt expert, not only can you use this to get into the software field but also learn and use prompt engineering to your advantage and get into this new and growing field in the era of Generative AI.

A software engineer earns 441 INR/hour or 11 LPA on average and a prompt engineer earns around 3.6 LPA on average.

Writing Product Descriptions

Product descriptions make a lot of difference in the number of sales. You can use ChatGPT's product description writer abilities to write powerful and converting product descriptions that really influence potential customers into buying.

You can write product descriptions with ChatGPT to highlight the product’s features, benefits, and value propositions and contribute to improving sales conversion rates. You can usually charge 1 INR/word for product description services in India on average.

Writing E-Books and Guides

ChatGPT can be really helpful when it comes to aspiring authors who want to write and publish their own e-books. You can write ebook with ChatGPT with its storytelling in-built features and industry knowledge to create interesting content.

From informative how-to guides to interesting fictional stories, ChatGPT can help you by assisting in creating high-quality written content for various purposes. Using the knowledge of e-books written by ChatGPT, you can provide ghostwriting services to authors or coaches who do not have the time and patience to invest in writing e-books on their own. A writer in India earns around 251 INR/hour or 4 LPA on average.

Resume Creation and Auditing

Job seekers often struggle with creating resumes that really highlight their skills and experiences and help them crack a job. By using ChatGPT's resume creator ability, you can offer resume creation and auditing services.

You can help individuals stand out in a competitive job market by providing professional insights and suggestions for improving their resumes or even create the best resume from scratch. An effective resume writing professional usually earns a 3.6 LPA on average in India.

Acting as a Virtual Assistant

ChatGPT's communication and texting skills make it a perfect candidate to become a virtual assistant. You can offer your services to busy professionals or entrepreneurs who need help with scheduling, email management, research, or even customer support.

ChatGPT can help you handle multiple administrative tasks, allowing your clients to focus on more important tasks of their work. A virtual assistant in India usually earns 246 INR/hour in India.

Writing Blogs/Articles

By working as a copywriter, you can use ChatGPT's conversational writing style to write detailed and thoughtful blog articles. You can use ChatGPT for blogging for its valuable insights and industry knowledge on various topics to attract readers.

By writing interesting and engaging content, you can generate a good amount of income for yourself through sponsored content, affiliate marketing, or even advertisements. A blog writer usually earns between 120 INR/hour or 3 LPA in India on average.

Acting as a Market Researcher

You can use ChatGPT's analytical skills to provide market research services as well. ChatGPT can help you gather and analyze data, identify market trends, and offer valuable insights to businesses.

From conducting competitor analyses to consumer behavior studies, you can use ChatGPT for Market Research in delivering detailed market research reports. A market researcher in India on average earns 203 INR/hour.


As ChatGPT got introduced, many opportunities opened up as well to make money. Whether it's by providing online language translation services, acting as a virtual assistant, or even using ChatGPT's writing skills for e-books and blogs, the potential for earning income with this powerful AI model is huge.

So, try out all these opportunities and adjust and go in-depth into one or more of these according to your strengths. Use ChatGPT's capabilities to build a career journey and earning potential for yourself and monetize your skillsets.


Q1. Is ChatGPT free?

Ans.Yes, ChatGPT is free to access. However, there is a paid version/tier that offers more features and works with no limitations.

Q2. Can I earn by using ChatGPT?

Ans.Yes, you can earn both passive and active income using ChatGPT. You can use ChatGPT for writing emails, blogs, PPTs, resumes, product descriptions, and more.

Q3. Can I use the free version of ChatGPT to make money?

Ans.You can earn money by using the free version of ChatGPT. It can still provide great assistance in research and writing with its limited features.

Q4. Can I sell writing services using ChatGPT?

Ans.You can absolutely sell your writing services using ChatGPT. With the right prompts, the AI can provide great insights into your writing and selling. Just make sure you are transparent about the information source.

Q5. How can I use ChatGPT in my business?

Ans. There are a wide range of use cases in which you can use ChatGPT for your business. From generating content, and marketing strategies to developing and customer support, you can use ChatGPT across various functions.

Updated on: 11-Jan-2024


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