How to make cells bold if greater than certain number in Excel?

In this article, we will discuss the ways in which we can make cells bold if greater than a certain number in Excel. Excel is an ideal application to handle numeric data. In order to analyse numeric data accurately, Excel comes in various built-in formula and features. These formulas come in handy when dealing with numbers in any format. Similarly, Excel features also prove useful when dealing with numbers of any type. Two examples are demonstrated in this article. In the example 1, the conditional formatting is depicted to set the certain condition to obtain the cell in bold and in the second example, the Kutools are used to achieve the similar result.

Example 1: By using Conditional Formatting

Let us look at the steps.

Step 1

Consider a worksheet having names of students and total marks obtained. Column A contains the names of the students while column B contains the total marks respectively.

Step 2

Select all the cells that need to be made bold if greater than a certain number. In our example, we need to make bold the total marks obtained. Hence, we will select all the cells containing the total marks.

Step 3

Click on the Home tab. Click on the Conditional Formatting.

Step 4

A list of options will appear. Click on the “New Rule…” option.

Step 5

A dialog box would be displayed with the heading New Formatting Rule. Under Select a Rule Type, select the option saying Format only cells that contain.

Step 6

Under the Edit Rule Description heading, do the following as shown in the image.

Step 7

Click on the Format button as highlighted in below image:

Step 8

A dialog box having the heading Format Cells will open. Under Font tab, under Font style heading, select Bold.

Step 9

Press the OK button to close the dialog box named “Format Cells”. Click on the OK button to exit the “New Formatting Rule” box. All the cells having a value greater than the selected value will be highlighted in bold as shown.

As seen from the output image, all the values that are greater than the chosen value, 85, are highlighted in bold.

Example 2: By using Kutools

Let us look how to use Kutools.

Step 1

Consider a worksheet as shown below. This worksheet contains the names and total marks obtained by students.

Step 2

Click on Kutools tab.

Step 3

Click on the Select tab as shown in below image −

Step 4

A list of options will appear. Click on the Select Specific Cells option.

Step 5

A dialog box will open having the heading Select Specific Cells. The range of cells will be entered automatically in the first box.

Step 6

Select Cell option under the Selection Type heading.

Step 7

Under the Specific Type heading, select Greater than option. In the next box, enter any number you desire. Let us consider 85.

Step 8

Click on the OK button. All the cells having marks greater than 85 will be highlighted as shown.

Step 9

Keep the cells highlighted and select Bold under the Home tab. This will make the values bold that are greater than 85.

As seen in the output image, all the values that are greater than 85 are highlighted. To make them bold, we have to simply click on the bold option under the Home tab.


This article throws light on two different examples to make those values bold that are greater than a certain number. It is recommended that the user should be well-versed with the features of Excel to implement the first approach effectively. Moreover, users should be comfortable with installing and using third-party tools such as Kutools which is used as another approach.

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023


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