How to Increment Alphanumeric String by 1 for Each Cell in Excel?

Microsoft Excel is an incredibly powerful tool that allows for efficient data management and manipulation including alphanumeric strings. There may be times when it becomes necessary to increment alphanumeric strings by a specific value, such as for serial numbers or tracking codes. Luckily. Excel provides various techniques that make this task effortless.

This article will examine these methods to help streamline your data management processes. By becoming proficient in these techniques. You will have the capability to easily increment alphanumeric strings in Excel. Greatly improving your data organization, tracking, and analysis abilities. Whether you need to generate unique identifiers or automate data entry tasks Excels' versatile approaches will enable you to handle such scenarios with ease. Let's' explore the world of Excel string manipulation and discover practical techniques that can assist you in incrementing alphanumeric strings in your spreadsheets.

Approach 1: Increment alphanumeric string by 1 for a column with formula

  • Step 1 − Select a cell of a column where you want to increase the alphanumeric string by 1 for a column with formula.

  • Step 2 − Enter this formula in formula bar.


  • Step 3 − The third step is to get all of the required results by dragging the Fill Handle down the column of the result column.


This article has demonstrated two different methods for incrementing alphanumeric strings in Excel. Whether you need to generate unique tracking codes or automate data entry processes, Excel's flexible approaches provide efficient solutions. Incorporate these techniques into your spreadsheets to enhance your data management capabilities and streamline your workflows.

Updated on: 27-Jul-2023


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