How to Fix "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by Wo”?


Congratulations on taking your first step towards fixing your website's PHP installation issue that has been bothering you for some time now. The error message "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by Wo" might seem daunting and confusing, but fret not, we got you covered. Firstly, let's understand what this error message means.

Essentially, it indicates that your website's server is lacking the essential PHP MySQL extension, which results in Wordpress being unable to function correctly. It is a common error that can occur when a website undergoes an upgrade or migration, or when the server changes its configuration settings.

Understanding the Error Message

When you attempt to install or update Wordpress, you might come across an error message that says "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by Wo". This error message can be frustrating, especially if you are not familiar with PHP or website development. However, it's important to understand what this message means and why it's necessary for Wordpress to function properly.

What is PHP and how does it relate to website development?

PHP is a scripting language that is used for web development. It's often used in conjunction with HTML in order to create dynamic websites. Essentially, PHP allows developers to add functionality to web pages beyond what HTML can do on its own.

PHP code runs on the server side of a website, which means that it can interact with databases and other server-related tasks. This makes it an important tool for e-commerce websites like Wordpress.

What is the MySQL extension and why is it necessary for Wordpress?

The MySQL extension is a part of PHP that allows developers to interact with MySQL databases. Wordpress relies heavily on this database management system in order to store product information, customer details, and sales data.

The MySQL extension enables PHP scripts on your website to connect with your database and perform essential tasks such as retrieving data or updating records. Without this extension installed properly, your website won't be able to access or manipulate its database properly.

Common causes of the missing MySQL extension error message

If you see the "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by Wo" error message when trying to install or update Wordpress, there could be several reasons −

  • Your version of PHP may be outdated

  • The MySQL extension may not be installed or enabled on your server

  • Your hosting provider may have disabled the MySQL extension for security reasons

  • Your PHP configuration settings may not be set up correctly

Troubleshooting Steps

How to Check if the MySQL Extension is Installed on Your Server

The first step in fixing the "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension" error is to confirm whether or not the MySQL extension is actually installed on your server. To do this, you can create a PHP file with a simple script that checks for the extension. Here's how −

  • Open a text editor and create a new file.

  • Type the following code in the file −

   if (function_exists('mysqli_connect')) { echo 'MySQLi extension is installed!'; 
   } else { echo 'MySQLi extension is NOT installed!'; } 
  • Save the file as "check_mysql.php".

  • Upload this file to your website's root directory using an FTP client.

  • Access this file through your web browser by typing in "".

  • If you see the message "MySQLi extension is installed!", then you have confirmed that the MySQL extension is present on your server.

How to Update PHP If It's Outdated or Missing Extensions?

If you've confirmed that your server does not have the MySQL extension, or if PHP itself needs updating, then there are steps you can take to fix these issues. To update PHP −

  • Determine which version of PHP you are currently running by creating another PHP file with this code −

  • Save this file as "info.php" and upload it to your website's root directory.

  • Access it through your web browser by typing in "".

  • Look for information about your current version of PHP under "PHP Version".

To upgrade or install extensions:

  • Check your server's documentation to find out how to install extensions.

  • For example, on Ubuntu you can use the following command from your terminal to install the MySQL extension −

sudo apt-get install php-mysql
  • Alternatively, if you're using a web-hosting service, you may be able to update PHP or add extensions through the control panel provided by your host.

Offer Alternative Solutions

If updating PHP or installing the MySQL extension is not an option for some reason, there are alternative solutions that you can try −

Use a different version of PHP − You may be able to switch to a different version of PHP that includes the required MySQL extension. Check with your hosting provider or server documentation for instructions on how to do this.

Use a different database management system − If using MySQL is not necessary for your site functionality, consider switching to another database management system such as PostgreSQL or SQLite. Note that these alternative solutions may not work in all cases and should only be considered if updating PHP or installing the MySQL extension is not possible.

Advanced Fixes

Modifying php.ini Settings

For experienced users, modifying the php.ini settings can be an effective method to resolve the "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by Wo" error message. However, it's important to exercise caution when altering these settings as it could negatively impact your website's functionality.

Before making any changes, create a backup of your website and make sure you have access to your server's root directory. Locate the php.ini file and open it in a text editor.

Look for the line that reads ";extension=php_mysql.dll" and remove the semicolon at the beginning of this line to uncomment it. Then, save and close the file.

Manually Installing the MySQL Extension

If all other solutions fail, manually installing the MySQL extension may be necessary. This is an advanced solution and should only be attempted by experienced users who are comfortable working with server-side code.

Firstly, download and extract the appropriate version of PHP that includes support for MySQL extensions from a reliable source such as Navigate to your server's root directory and locate the "ext" folder within your PHP installation directory.

Next, download libmysql.dll from MySQL Community Server Downloads page on . Copy libmysql.dll into C:\Windows\System32 if you are using Windows OS

Then ensure that both libmysql.dll & php_mysql.dll exist in C:\php\ext (assuming you installed PHP at C:\php). add extension=php_mysql.dll in both C:\Windows\php.ini & C:\Windows\System32\php.ini

Modifying php.ini settings or manually installing the MySQL extension can be effective solutions to fix the error message "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by Wo".


In this article, we've discussed the error message "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by Wo" and how to fix it. We've covered the importance of fixing this error for website functionality, explained what PHP is and how it relates to website development, and discussed what the MySQL extension is and why it's necessary for Wordpress to function properly.

We then provided troubleshooting steps for readers who encounter this issue, including step-by-step instructions on how to check if the MySQL extension is installed on their server.

Updated on: 05-Jun-2023


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