How to Choose a Secure Password?

What Does Password Mean?

A password, in general, is an arbitrary string of characters that may include letters, digits, or other symbols. If the permitted characters are limited to numbers, the corresponding secret is sometimes referred to as a personal identification number (PIN).

Contrary to its name, a password does not have to be a word; in fact, a non-word (in the dictionary sense) may be more difficult to guess, which is a desirable property of passwords. A pass is a memorized secret consisting of a sequence of words or other text separated by spaces. In terms of usage, a passcode is similar to a password, but the former is typically longer for added security.

Why Have a Secure Password?

Passwords are your computer's and personal information's first line of defense against unauthorized access. It would help if you used solid passwords for all of your computer's accounts.

The easier a password is to remember for the owner, the easier it is for an attacker to guess. Passwords that are difficult to remember, on the other hand, may compromise a system's security because −

  • Users may need to write down or electronically store the password.

  • Users may require frequent password resets.

  • Users are more likely to reuse the same password across multiple accounts.

Similarly, the more stringent the password requirements are, such as "use a mix of capital and lowercase letters and numbers" or "alter it monthly," the more likely users are to circumvent the system. Others say that more significant passwords are more secure than shorter passwords because they are more difficult to guess.

How to Choose a Secure Password?

Following are some of the Classical Password Suggestions

  • You must choose a password that is at least 12 characters long. There is no universally accepted minimum password length, but passwords should be between 12 and 14 characters long. It would be preferable if the password were longer.

  • Use a combination of numbers, symbols, capital letters, and lowercase letters. Make the password more difficult to crack by combining different types of characters.

  • The use of prominent dictionary words and dictionary word combinations should be avoided. A single word can be harmful. Any combination of a few words is also wrong, especially if they are apparent. For example, the word "house" is a bad password.

Some crucial points to keep in mind while creating a password −

  • Use of sequential numbers or letters is not permitted. For example, do not use 4567, qwerty, lmno, 9876, or any other characters.

  • In your password, do not include your birth year or month/day of birth. Keep in mind that cybercriminals can quickly obtain this information by snooping through your social media accounts.

  • The more characters you use in your password and the longer it is, the more difficult it is to guess. For example: M0l#eb9Qv? employs a one-of-a-kind combination of upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.

  • Use a combination of unrelated words in your password or passphrase.

  • This makes guessing your password difficult for cybercriminals. Use no phrases from popular songs, movies, or TV shows. To make your pass, combine three or four longer words.

  • To make the password more difficult to guess, replace letters with numbers or symbols. Or make deliberate spelling mistakes in the password or passphrase.

  • A unique and strong password or PIN is required for every device, application, website, and piece of software. Remember that if a cybercriminal guesses one of your passwords, they will try to hack into all of your personal and professional accounts with that password.

  • Keep in mind that you should never disclose your passwords to anyone. This includes your co-workers, IT/support staff, customer service/helpdesk staff, family, and friends.

  • Also, be wary of phishing emails, smishing texts, and vishing phone calls that seek your login information - do not respond or reveal any personal information, such as your password, date of birth, address, or credit card information.

Updated on: 03-May-2022


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