How Can Blockchain Applications Save Money?

Financial transactions and trading operations are critical components of a global or national economy. The global economic system manages trillions of dollars in transactions while servicing billions of clients. Because beneficiary intermediaries are involved in the transactional process, both parties must pay a transaction fee.

The introduction of blockchain technology proved advantageous in carrying out such transactions without middlemen. Blockchain creates a digital transaction ledger in which all digital transactions are recorded.

Exploring new technologies is motivated by the need to do activities more quickly and inexpensively. Furthermore, the present digitalization trend is forcing organizations to keep up and integrate with the latest developments.

Elimination of third parties and related expenses

The basic goal of blockchain technology development was to eliminate third parties or intermediaries. Lawyers, banks, brokers, and the government were all engaged in the traditional system of two groups negotiating a real estate sale, which took more time and cost more money.

The emergence of blockchain technology allowed the two parties to conduct the transaction directly. As a result, the dealing parties' direct engagement reduced operating expenses and time consumption. Blockchain is also very secure because of its cryptographic, time-stamped, and tamper-proof properties. Anyone allowed on the blockchain network may validate transaction details from anywhere.

Crowd funding

Crowdfunding is the process of obtaining funds for a project from a group of people, with each person contributing a small amount over the internet. Decentralized financing using STOs (Security Token Offerings), ICOs (Initial Coin Offerings), and now IEOs (Initial Exchange Offerings) has allowed companies to circumvent some investors. Furthermore, obtaining funds for companies using new methods like Blockchain is faster and less expensive, whereas traditional fundraising takes a long time and costs a lot of money.

Minimization of operational expenses

By lowering transaction costs, using a blockchain system can help businesses reduce overhead expenditures. Payments in cryptocurrency are made on a decentralized system controlled by peer-to-peer networks, removing the need for centralized authentication.

This enables businesses to accept bitcoin payments while incurring lower transaction fees. Because of the peer-to-peer cryptographic system, businesses can now transact globally instantly and economically without any barriers.

Furthermore, using smart contracts to automate transactions reduces the likelihood of a claim being filed in the event of a contract breach. In addition, Blockchain improves supply chain efficiency by making product monitoring more systematic and transparent.

Customization of technology

The provision of enhanced analytic tools is one of the major advantages of using Blockchain. By refining their tools, businesses may gain a better understanding of industry trends and consumer demands. Blockchains serve as the foundation for bespoke analytic tools and AI approaches that have dramatically improved corporate operations. This entails more efficient data collection and communication, as well as a system that is transparent and reliable. Businesses may also improve their operations by tokenizing their services and rewarding customers for their engagement.

Improved Compliance

Several enterprises require digital identification technologies and KYC (know your customer) to establish simple identity verification systems. This aids in achieving more transparency, optimizing data access, and controlling IT expenses while adhering to certification criteria. Blockchain has an encrypted data storage function that keeps data safe and unchangeable.

Switching to a ledger-based ID system protects the network from hacking and decrypting user identities. Protecting operational and customer data is critical for organizations since any breach can have a negative influence on the company's reputation.

Building Costs with Blockchain Applications

The expenses of developing blockchain applications are influenced by a variety of factors like −

  • Solution costs, development costs
  • Costs of relocation, training, and onboarding
  • Costs of storage and power
  • Costs of development

The growing popularity of blockchain technology and its uses has resulted in an increase in demand for blockchain developers. Blockchain developers are ranked first on LinkedIn's list of the top five emerging careers in the United States for 2018. This demonstrates that the organizations are committed to creating blockchain applications. Professional blockchain developers are required for the development of blockchain applications. The cost of hiring a blockchain developer is determined by the developer's location, abilities, level of expertise, and project scope.

To design mobile/web apps that give precise blockchain logic, the developer must also be knowledgeable with web frameworks and programming languages such as Golang, NodeJS, Javascript, and Ruby on Nails. The developer must also be familiar with the working culture of blockchain frameworks like Hyperledger, R3 Corda, Ethereum, and Multichain. The programmer should have a fundamental understanding of blockchain programming languages such as Solidity, Sophia, Serpent, and Vyper.

Solution Costs

A decentralized app (DApp) or an enterprise blockchain are the two choices for deploying blockchain technology in an organization. DApps built on public blockchain platforms like Ethereum are typically chosen by new firms with a blockchain use case concept. Enterprise blockchain is used by established firms to improve productivity, reduce costs, and optimize their business technology.

The majority of enterprise blockchain networks are secure and private. Establishing a DApp, on the other hand, is far less expensive than developing a corporate blockchain.

Costs of migration, training, and onboarding

When altering the complete functional system and transferring the database from a centralized to a decentralized design, a significant amount of money is spent. New resources, ranging from hardware to software and specialists, must be allocated. The whole firm's employees, not just the IT team, would require adequate onboarding. The company's employees are trained to ensure that they are aware of and comfortable with the new resources and structure. All of these variables increase the cost.

Costs of storage and power

Adopting Blockchain might result in high power expenditures, depending on the consent algorithms used. Consent algorithms such as PoW (Proof of Work) use processing power to verify the legitimacy of data destined for the Blockchain. Mitigation will necessitate the use of alternate consent algorithms and specialized mining equipment. Data redundancy has an impact on the cost of data storage. The increased data load slows down the system, necessitating more storage and raising operational costs.

Banking Fees are Reduced

Some believe that blockchain technology will eventually abolish the necessity for public banking. It can certainly eliminate or drastically cut the amount of money your company spends on banking fees.

When financial transactions are completed without the use of a centralized server or bank, you are effectively bypassing their services. Instead of paying monthly transactions or banking fees, you may invest that money in your company.

Over the course of your company's fiscal year, not having to utilize a bank to convert money might save you hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars.

Reduces Taxes

Blockchain technology can help you reduce your company's tax obligations. You could elect to accept cryptocurrencies as a method of payment, for example, through blockchain transactions.

As a result, the IRS does not recognize cryptocurrencies as a form of payment. As a result, any cryptocurrency you own is not taxed in the same manner that cash is. Before selecting whether or not to accept bitcoin payments in your business utilizing blockchain technology, consult with your tax preparer and financial advisor.

Blockchain can help you save time and money in your business.

Transactions on the Blockchain do not take as long as transactions on credit cards. Whereas credit card transactions might take several minutes, they are almost instantaneous.

Your computer, cash register, or credit card machine no longer has to exchange information with a bank since blockchain information is not held at a financial institution. Before swaps may be allowed and finalized, there is no back-and-forth between your system and a bank's.

Because of the time saved, your company will be more productive and spend less money.

The demand for Blockchain technology is exploding all over the world. Furthermore, the numerous uses of Blockchain in diverse areas such as healthcare, banking and finance, and supply chain give up a wide range of job prospects for both freshers and experts. It is self-evident that developing blockchain apps costs a lot of money. Businesses should not, however, overlook the long-term benefits of studying Blockchain in order to save money. The greater the impact of blockchain technology on a certain industry, the higher the adoption cost will be. There is no denying that Blockchain has brought about dramatic advances in the realm of technology in the recent past. It will become a major driver of change in a variety of industries.

Updated on: 10-Aug-2022


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