How can Blockchain help Emerging Economies?

You could use Blockchain as a base to build financial services that fill gaps in the online market. Blockchain connects a network of entities and lets them share information. So, traditional databases only store data for one party at a time.

Blockchain is a type of technology called a "decentralized ledger." Bitcoin was one of the first and most well-known ways of blockchain technology. However, most experts agree that blockchain technology has a lot of potential for other uses.

Blockchain: A Novel Technology for Emerging Economies

In 2017, the price of Bitcoin and Ethereum went up and down. It helped spread the word about Blockchain, which sorts all crypto-assets. The bitcoin market is experiencing a notable edit. We must know what distributed ledger technology means.

Banking and insurance in the U.S. are very well developed, offering enough ease, security, and convenience to retail clients. However, not everyone trusts those in charge. So, decentralization may help increase the number of people who can get financial services and the trust institutions need.

Because it is not centralized, Blockchain is often called a "trustless" ledger system. It allows people to do their transactions without paying for a "trusted" third party to provide assurance, accounting, or a facility. People and families who don't have access to state-issued IDs think blockchains' immutable history is a suitable replacement. Hence, helpful in developing countries with hyperinflation or other broken financial systems. It protects against the collapse of centralized institutions. It also gives financial services to people who haven't been able to use them before because of identity or credit problems.

Experts are thrilled to work on distributed systems for India's booming economy. India is ready to use a blockchain because of the following demographic trends:

  • Over half of the people are under 255 years old, which makes them a young group.
  • This country has one of the fastest-growing smartphone markets. More than 30% of its people use smartphones.
  • An economy that changes a lot when prices change.

Distributed ledgers have many benefits for centralized parties. Blockchain tech can help industries take the edge of this before the untapped, unbanked, and young market grows. Insurance companies have started taking steps meant to make it easier to find fraud and avoid risks.

Suppose we look at how things are now and compare them to how they were in the early days of the internet. No one could have imagined that online delivery services would grow to the point where they would obsolete stores. It is the promise of Blockchain: the chance to rethink industries already in place completely.

Five Important Ways to Use Blockchain Technology

The report uses economic analysis and market research to determine how much money could be made in five major areas. By 2025, there will be a tipping point for the widespread use of blockchain technology in the global economy.

  • The most money can get tracked and traced where goods and services come from. This is called "provenance." After the COVID- 19 epidemic, this became one of the most important things for many supply chains to do.
  • Companies in many industries can use blockchain technology to address rising consumers. Also, investors worry about their supply chains' environmental and social responsibility.
  • Cross-border and remittance payments worth $433 billion. Other payment and banking services help people access financial services.
  • Keeping track of people's identification documents is a way to stop fraud and identity theft.
  • It uses in contract and dispute resolution ($73 billion) and consumer engagement ($54 billion). It includes loyalty programs, opening it to a wide range of public and private industries.

Gains in Regions

To be successful, Blockchain will need support. They will need it from the government, a culture of entrepreneurs eager to take advantage of the new opportunities the technology opens up, and the right mix of sectors.

Asia is the place where blockchain technology is most likely to help the economy. The United States and China are most likely to enjoy blockchain technology. Each could make more than $400 billion. Germany, Japan, the UK, India, and France are all expected to gain more than $50 billion in net benefits.

China and Germany, which rely on manufacturing, stand to gain the most from improved provenance and traceability. Yet, the United States achieves the most from its use in securitization, payments, identity, and credentials.

Benefits In Various Sectors

Public administration, schools, and hospitals expect to benefit the most at the industrial level. PwC thinks these businesses would make $574 billion by 2030 only if they used Blockchain's benefits to the world of identity and credentials.

Meanwhile, marketers and construction services will enjoy using Blockchain. It is to engage customers and meet the demand for provenance and traceability. Firms that provide services like communications and media will benefit more generally.

Many firms make the common but fatal mistake of leaving the adoption of new technology up to the technophiles. It takes support from the C-suite to work and find strategic potential and value. Also, encourage collaboration within a sector. Given how much economic change companies are going through, developing proof-of-concept usage. It can expand and scale if it works. It will help firms find value while building trust and transparency in the solution's ability to deliver on Blockchain's promise.


While nations with the best institutions may not see the need to adopt blockchain technology, the rest may view it as an opportunity to innovate in real-time. If they do, the potential for leapfrogging industrialized nations is limited only by the vision of billions of people. They will be experiencing 21st-century systems of governance and business for the first time. With such goals, it's not unreasonable to expect some of the world's next top megabrands or global platforms. They will emerge in regions that aren't often associated with technical innovation. Blockchain development for the future is a worldwide phenomenon.

Updated on: 13-Dec-2022


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