How can a woman use public transport even at late night and stay safe?

A number of women believe the private automobile is the safest mode of transportation, so they buy a private vehicle. They even restrict their activity to day-time and prefer not to take any public transit at night. But how many times is it possible to avoid travelling at night? Also, is it affordable for everyone to hire a vehicle? The answer to both these questions might be ‘no’ for many of us. So, below are some tips to keep in mind when travelling at night in public transport.

  • Well Lit Bus Stop: Catch the bus or train from somewhere well lit. This is essential for safety.

  • No Exposure Of Purse/Money: Having the ticket ready and passing the money to the conductor directly by keeping the purse or wallet out of sight of the pickpocketers is a must.

  • No Sharing of Personal Information: No display of personal details should be done knowingly or unknowingly.

  • Awareness Of Impending Danger: As one gets seated, one must look around for the emergency buttons and exits. This will help in a chaotic situation where to go quickly. If someone attacks or touches us, we should shout to other passengers to get attention and be safe.

  • Exit Safely: When leaving the bus or taxi, one should not walk home alone in the dark. Indeed be aware of the people roaming the streets.

  • Pepper Spray: Keeping a pepper spray along with us can help in case of direct emergency.

  • Co- Passenger: Avoid travelling alone in such a time. A good friend rather should be accompanied.

One’s safety lies in one’s own hands. It is true that the mindset of males must be changed in order to avoid certain heinous crimes like rape, but one must be vigilant anyway.

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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