How to stay safe online while working remotely?

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses will undoubtedly be under pressure to ensure their availability of corporate resources in locations outside their control. Even after the pandemic has passed, many experts believe that remote working will continue to be popular in various industries.

While working from home offers numerous advantages, it exposes individuals and enterprises to various cybersecurity dangers. At home, you are more responsible for cybersecurity, although, at work, someone else is usually in charge. Even if your employer provides you with a computer, you have some control over how you use it.

Security Risks

Remote workers are frequently the first to be targeted by cybercriminals. They're typically the source of network security incidents that spread swiftly throughout the organization. Mobile devices such as cellphones and laptops pose security issues even if you don't have any remote employees.

These are the top security concerns you should know when working remotely.

Passwords that are not secure

The relevance of password restrictions cannot be overstated. Implementing a system of forced password changes regularly is an essential step that many firms overlook.

Phishing traps

Scammers who employ social engineering to deceive people into giving sensitive information such as banking, credit card, and password information are known as phishing scammers. Email phishing attacks cost individuals and businesses billions of dollars.

Networks and personal gadgets that aren't secure

From freelancers and full-time workers to consultants and partners, everyone works on various unprotected devices that run on a jumble of operating systems and networks. As a result, they're more vulnerable to network attacks that aren't as prevalent at work.

Attacks on video

Zoom has been criticized for increasing "Zoom-bombing," Hackers hijack video meetings to transmit unwanted content. Make sure you follow all of the necessary steps to keep your video calls safe.

Unsecured Wi-Fi networks

Most workers will work from home, where their WiFi can be guarded. On the other hand, some people may be forced to use insecure public Wi-Fi networks, which are frequent targets for criminals who want to monitor Internet activity and steal personal data.

Scams aimed at remote employees

Malicious campaigns aimed at remote workers are anticipated to expand. Furthermore, with many employees missing remote job possibilities, the prevalence of work-from-home frauds is likely to rise.

Fortunately, armed with the correct knowledge and tools, you can fend off many of these hazards and keep working.

Tips to Stay Safe Online While Working Remotely

Before you take any steps to secure your Internet security on your own, check with your workplace to determine if any policies are in place. Many businesses are hastily putting together work-from-home strategies in the wake of the COVID-19 disaster. They may be able to give you particular instructions on how to deal with various parts of cybersecurity, as well as access to some of the tools you require.

Even if your employer does not have such policies in place, or if you are self-employed, you can take some easy actions to protect yourself when working from home.

Treat business data as though it were personal data

It's crucial to keep business information such as trade secrets, employee information, and company credit accounts secure, just as you know to keep your personal banking information, passwords, and data privacy.

Additionally, ensure that the software you use at work is up to date and only save what is necessary to perform your task. Keep track of what client data you acquire and where it's stored if you're the boss.

Change your passwords regularly

It's easy to forget about a strong password once you've set one for an account or device, so use a password manager of your choosing.

Experts recommend changing your passwords regularly—every 30, 60, or 90 days, depending on your industry—especially if you've just logged onto a public or shared computer, if your account has been hacked or if you've given your password to someone who doesn't need it anymore.

Use caution while using USBs

Only use a USB device if your company's IT team has approved it. Similarly, don't let anyone else connect USB gadgets to your computer, even if it's merely to charge them.

Create a two-factor authentication system

When working remotely, it's crucial to use two-factor authentication when logging into all of your accounts, including email, Slack, and other productivity apps. It adds another layer of protection to vital data access.

Because you require an additional one-time code to log in successfully, it secures your accounts if your passwords are compromised.

Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Many individuals are familiar with using a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to get around geographic restrictions on streaming sites and other location-based content. A VPN is excellent for location faking since it tunnels your traffic through a server in the area of your choice.

However, a VPN has another crucial purpose: it protects your online privacy. A VPN encrypts all your Internet activity, making it unreadable to anyone who intercepts it. This keeps it hidden from prying eyes, such as your Internet Service Provider (ISP), government agencies, and hackers.

It's worth noting that utilizing a VPN can slow down your Internet connection.

Install Firewalls

Firewalls are your system's initial line of defense against hackers for your system, forming a barrier between your device and the Internet by restricting communication ports. This can help prevent harmful apps from infiltrating your device and data from leaking out. A firewall is usually included in the operating system of your device. In addition, many routers include hardware firewalls. Ensure that yours is turned on.

Use an Antivirus

Although a firewall can help, attackers will always find a way in. Antivirus software can serve as a second security line by detecting and preventing known malware.

Ensure that staff, whether they are using business equipment or their devices, know how to install software updates. Updates or patches to software can provide new or improved features, improve program stability, add security features, and remove obsolete functions. Activate automatic updates on all remote devices to ensure that patches are deployed regularly.

Updated on: 23-Mar-2022


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