Difference Between Troposphere and Stratosphere

The troposphere and stratosphere are the earth's atmospheric zones that exist one on top of the other. The troposphere is the earth's atmospheric zone that ranges from 8 to 18 kilometres. The stratosphere, on the other hand, can be expanded to a height of 50km.

Our main focus in this article will be to highlight the differences between the Troposphere and the Stratosphere based on their location in the atmosphere and how they both affect the different parameters. We will see how the temperature, air, and current act in these layers.

What is Troposphere?

The troposphere is the lowest layer of the atmosphere that is closest to the Earth's surface. It reaches a height of around 10 kilometres above the Earth's surface. It is the densest section of the atmosphere as well as the most weathered part of the atmosphere.

The tropopause is the top of the troposphere, and its height changes with latitude as well as season. The tropopause is located at approximately 20 km above the equator. It is around 7 kilometres in the polar areas. It will also be less in the winter and more in the summer.

The troposphere is responsible for weather on Earth and is made up of water vapour and different gases such as nitrogen, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and others. The troposphere is moist due to the presence of water vapour and clouds.

Temperature differences between the troposphere and stratosphere are directly related to changes in height. Temperature drops with increasing height or altitude in the troposphere.

What is Stratosphere?

The stratosphere is the atmosphere layer just above the troposphere in the atmosphere. It begins at the tropopause, which is about 10 km above the Earth's surface, and ascends to roughly 50 km above the surface.

With increasing height, the air in the stratosphere becomes warmer. As a result, there is less turbulence in the stratosphere. Commercial passenger jets will fly in the lower stratosphere because the air is calmer there than it is in the troposphere. The stratopause is the summit of the stratosphere.

The stratosphere is relatively dry since it lacks water vapour and clouds, except for the poles. In the stratosphere, temperature rises with the increase in height.

The atmospheric disturbance, which is caused by changes in air circulation and other variables, is extremely prevalent. The troposphere is limited by atmospheric disturbance, whereas the stratosphere has no atmospheric disturbance due to horizontal air flow and no clouds.

The convection current occurs in the troposphere layer of the atmosphere, but the stratosphere zone on the opposite side is termed the earth's non-convective zone.

Similarities between Troposphere and Stratosphere

  • Stratosphere and Troposphere are both the parts of the atmosphere, in specific the lower part of atmosphere.

  • Stratosphere and troposphere are both thick in comparison to the upper layers of atmosphere.

Difference between Troposphere and Stratosphere

The following table highlights the major differences between Troposphere and Stratosphere −





The troposphere is the atmosphere's lowest level.

The stratosphere is a second layer of Earth that exists above the troposphere.


Troposphere is the zone of convection current

Stratosphere is the non- convective zone of atmosphere

Effect on Temperature

The temperature drops with height.

The temperature rises with height.


Height in troposphere fluctuates from 18 km at the equator to the 8 km at the poles

Height in stratosphere ranges till 50 Km

What it contains

This layer contains water vapours, clouds, and dust particles.

This layer is devoid of water vapours, clouds, and dust particles.

Effect of human

Humans are found in the troposphere.

People only spend time in the stratosphere while flying through it in a plane.


In the troposphere, there are a lot of clouds.

In general, there are no clouds in the stratosphere except near the poles


The troposphere begins at the earth's surface and extends to.

It begins just above the troposphere and stretches to.

Effect of humidity

Humidity fluctuates.

The humidity is always extremely low.

Atmospheric Disturbance

In Troposphere, Atmospheric disturbance are confined

In stratosphere, No atmospheric disturbance is found.


The ozone layer is found in the stratosphere. The layers above the stratosphere include the mesosphere, which has some of the coldest temperatures in the atmosphere, the thermosphere, which has some of the hottest temperatures in the atmosphere, and the exosphere, which lacks a distinct boundary and fades away into space as one move away from Earth. The troposphere and stratosphere are both lower atmospheric levels that are quite dense in comparison to the upper atmospheric layers.

The troposphere has a negative temperature gradient, is constantly convicting, has lots of clouds, and lots of moisture. The stratosphere has a positive temperature gradient, generally stable air layers, no clouds (except at the poles), and is relatively dry.

Updated on: 31-Jan-2023

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