Difference Between Google and Google Chrome

Google and Google Chrome are two different products offered by Google Inc., the technology giant. They perform numerous functions and address various parts of the digital environment.

Read this article to find out more about Google and Google Chrome and how they are different from each other.

What is Google?

Google is a multinational technology business started by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph.D. students at Stanford University on September 4, 1998. The objective of the company is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." Google has risen over the years to become one of the most important and prominent companies in the world, having a tremendous impact on the digital environment and different parts of people's lives.

Here are some important facts about Google −

  • Search Engine − Google's most recognizable product is its search engine, which revolutionized how people obtain information on the internet. Google Search uses advanced algorithms and artificial intelligence to offer highly relevant search results, making it the most commonly used search engine in the world.

  • Gmail − A free email service that offers users plenty of storage space, effective spam screening, and connectivity with other Google services.

  • Google Drive − A file synchronization and cloud storage service that allows users to save and access files, documents, photos, and videos across devices.

  • Google Maps − A mapping and navigation service that provides precise maps, real-time traffic updates, satellite imagery, and transportation instructions

  • YouTube − A popular video-sharing network where users may publish, watch, and share videos on a wide range of topics, from entertainment to education.

  • Google Photos − A cloud-based photo and video storage service that backs up data from users' devices automatically and provides smart organization and search options.

  • Google Calendar − A time management and scheduling application that lets users organize activities, make reminders, and share calendars.

  • Advertising − Google's key revenue source is its advertising platform. Google Ads (previously Google AdWords) allows businesses to create and display ads on Google's search results and other platforms, allowing them to reach potential customers based on certain keywords and demographics.

  • Innovation and Research − Google is well known for its dedication to innovation and investment in cutting-edge R&D. It investigates a wide range of topics, including artificial intelligence, machine learning, virtual reality, self-driving automobiles (Waymo), and renewable energy (Google Energy).

  • Corporate Structure − Google reorganized its organizational structure and became a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc. in October 2015, a conglomerate that controls several businesses, with Google being the largest and most prominent component.

  • Privacy and Data Concerns − Google's extensive range of services collects and analyses large amounts of customer data, raising worries about privacy and data protection. Various legal and regulatory issues have arisen as a result of the company's data practices.

What is Google Chrome?

Google Chrome is a web browser that was initially published on September 2, 2008. It swiftly gained popularity and is now one of the world's most popular web browsers. Chrome is available on a variety of platforms, including Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.

Here's a more in-depth description of Google Chrome −

  • User Interface − Chrome has a simple, clean, and user-friendly interface. The Omnibox (address bar) of the browser functions as both a search bar and a location to insert URLs. As users enter, it also suggests search terms and website URLs.

  • Tabbed Browsing − Google Chrome was one of the first browsers to provide tabbed browsing, which allowed users to visit many online pages in a single window. Each tab functions separately, which improves organization and makes switching between websites easier.

  • Speed and Performance − Chrome is well-known for its speed and efficiency. It makes use of the powerful JavaScript engine V8, which improves web page loading times and web application execution.

  • Extensions and Add-ons − Chrome offers a large ecosystem of extensions and add-ons, which may be downloaded through the Chrome Web Store. These extensions bring new features, functionality, and customization choices to the browser, allowing users to customize it to their own needs.

  • Security − Google Chrome prioritizes security and offers a variety of measures to protect users from various online risks. Sandboxing is used, which isolates each tab from the rest of the system and prevents harmful websites from accessing sensitive data on the user's computer. Chrome receives security patches on a regular basis to address newly discovered vulnerabilities.

  • Developer Tools − Chrome has developer tools such as a JavaScript console, a network monitor, and an element inspector. These tools help web developers debug, profile, and analyses web pages and web applications.

  • Accessibility − Chrome prioritizes accessibility, offering features such as voice search, screen reader compatibility, and support for numerous accessibility extensions to enable a more inclusive browsing experience for disabled people.

Difference between Google and Google Chrome

The following table highlights the major differences between Google and Google Chrome −



Google Chrome

Email Service



Search Engine

The most well-known product, Google Search

Includes Google Search as the default search engine


Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Developed by Google engineers

Cloud Storage Service

Google Drive


Video Sharing Platform



User Interface

Diverse interfaces for various products and services

Clean, minimalistic, user-friendly browser UI

Main Function

Organizing information and providing services

Web browsing and accessing online content

Revenue Source

Advertising, cloud services, and other products

N/A (not applicable)

Syncing and Integration

Integration with various Google services

Syncing user data and settings across devices

Other Products

Android OS, Google Assistant, Google Home, etc.

N/A (focus solely on web browsing)

Purpose and Scope

Broad scope covering multiple digital services

Specific purpose: web browsing

Maps and Navigation

Google Maps



In conclusion, Google is a multinational technology firm that provides a wide range of internet-related products and services, whereas Google Chrome is a web browser developed by Google that is designed to provide users with a fast, secure, and smooth web browsing experience.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023

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