Difference between Frame Relay and ATM

Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) are both data link layer technologies with connection−oriented protocols in the OSI (Open source Interconnection) model. They are related in that they both provide a way to transmit data across Wide Area Networks (WAN) using virtual circuits. Both technologies are used to connect Local Area Networks (LAN) and transmit data across WAN. Frame Relay and ATM differ in their implementation details such as packet size, overheads, cost, speed, error control and flow management, and reliability. These differences make them suitable for different applications and network environments.

What is Frame Relay?

Frame Relay is a protocol that operates at the data link layer of the OSI model. The data link layer is in charge of identifying and perhaps fixing any problems that could arise in the physical layer in order to provide a dependable link between two directly connected nodes. Frame Relay is a packet−switching technology, which means that it divides data into packets and sends them across a shared network infrastructure.

In a Frame Relay network, multiple virtual circuits can be established between two endpoints. These virtual circuits provide a logical connection between the endpoints and allow data to be transmitted between them. Frame Relay switches are responsible for forwarding packets along these virtual circuits based on the information contained in the packet headers.

What is ATM?

The telecommunications standard known as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) allows for the Basic Parameters Frame Relay Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Packet size Frame Relay uses different−sized packets. ATM uses fixed−sized packets (53 bytes) known as cells. The fixed size of ATM cells makes it easier to process and switch them at high speeds. Overheads More overheads compared to ATM Fewer overheads compared to Frame Relay. This is because the fixed size of ATM cells makes it easier to process and switch them at high speeds. Cost Frame Relay is less expensive than ATMdigital delivery of many types of traffic. It is a switching method that enables voice, video, and data communications and utilizes time division multiplexing (TDM) for data communications. To make data suitable for TDM, data is encoded into tiny fixed−sized cells by ATM before being transmitted via a physical medium.

ATM transports all information, including different service kinds like data, video, or audio, in small, fixed−size packets known as cells and is effective for call relay. ATM uses fixed−sized cells and generates less overhead than Frame Relay technology. It offers flow management and error control in addition to being quicker than Frame Relay.

Difference between Frame Relay and ATM

Basic Parameters

Frame Relay

Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)

Packet size

Frame Relay uses different−sized packets.

ATM uses fixed−sized packets (53 bytes) known as cells. The fixed size of ATM cells makes it easier to process and switch them at high speeds.


More overheads compared to ATM

Fewer overheads compared to Frame Relay. This is because the fixed size of ATM cells makes it easier to process and switch them at high speeds.


Frame Relay is less expensive than ATM. This is because Frame Relay is an older technology and its equipment is more widely available.

It is more expensive than Frame Relay.


Frame relay is slower than ATM.

ATM is generally faster than Frame Relay. This is because the fixed size of ATM cells makes it easier to process and switch them at high speeds.


It is less reliable compared to ATMs.

It is more reliable compared to Frame Relay

Packet transfer speed.

It gives Low speed.

It gives High speed.

Quality of support

It does not support quantifiable quality support.

It supports quantifiable quality support.

Packet delay

More delay compared to ATM.

Less delay compared to Frame Relay.


It is a cost−effective one as the physical loops are avoided.

It is costlier than Local Area Network.

Bandwidth allocation

The Bandwidth is shared between the users.

The Bandwidth is shared between the users.

Network type support

Frame relay supports MAN and WAN network type; developed for virtual circuit WAN; not suitable for LAN and CAN

ATM supports MAN and WAN network types; suitable for LAN and CAN


In frame delay, it is difficult to resolve the problem.

In ATM, it is also difficult to resolve the problem.


It is less trusted compared to ATM.

It provides more security compared to Frame Relay.


Both the frame relay and ATM uses a data link layer, frame relay deals with the software and ATM works along the hardware. Compared to Frame Relay, it is more dependable but generally more expensive. The decision between Frame Relay and ATM ultimately comes down to the particular needs of the network environment and the applications that will use it.

Updated on: 07-Jul-2023


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