Difference between Eclipse and MyEclipse

Eclipse and MyEclipse are both popular integrated development environments (IDEs) used largely for Java development. While they have certain commonalities, they also have significant variances. Read this article to find out more about Eclipse and MyEclipse and how they are different from each other.

What is Eclipse?

Eclipse is a commonly used and well-known integrated development environment (IDE) that serves as a platform for developing diverse software applications. It was first released as an open-source project by IBM in November 2001 and was then transferred to the Eclipse Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to the development of open-source software.

Eclipse is created mostly in Java and is designed to be extendable through a plugin architecture, allowing developers to add features and support for various programming languages and frameworks.

Key Features and Components of Eclipse

  • Workspace − Eclipse works with the concept of a "workspace," which is a directory on the file system that organizes projects, files, and configurations. Multiple workspaces can be created by developers to divide distinct projects or development environments.

  • Perspectives − Perspectives are used by Eclipse to provide a unique view and organization of its numerous tool windows and editors. Perspectives are suited to specific tasks such as Java development, debugging, version control, and so on, and users can switch between them depending on their current focus.

  • Views and Editors − Eclipse has a number of views and editors that allow developers to work efficiently with their code and project resources. Views display many parts of the project, such as the package explorer, overview, difficulties, and terminal, while editors provide syntax highlighting and code assistance for several programming languages.

  • Plugins and Extensions − One of Eclipse's primary advantages is its extensibility. Developers can install and create plugins to enhance the capabilities of the IDE. Users can use the Eclipse Marketplace to find and install plugins that support various programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

  • Language Support − While Eclipse is best known for Java development, it also supports a wide range of programming languages through plugins. C/C++, Python, PHP, JavaScript, and more common language plugins are available.

  • Debugging and Testing − Eclipse's debugging tools are powerful, allowing developers to set breakpoints, analyze variables, and step through code to detect and repair problems. It also integrates with testing frameworks, making unit testing and test report generation easy.

  • Version Control Integration − Eclipse integrates well with version control systems such as Git, SVN, and CVS. Within the IDE, developers can manage their source code repositories.

What is MyEclipse?

MyEclipse is an integrated development environment (IDE) for Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) development. Genuitec, a software business focusing on developing tools and solutions for enterprise software development, designed and distributed it as a commercial product.

MyEclipse expands the open-source Eclipse IDE with new features, tools, and enhancements designed to speed up the development of Java EE applications and other enterprise-related projects.

Key Features and Components of MyEclipse

  • Java EE Support − MyEclipse is optimized for Java EE development and offers comprehensive support for developing and deploying enterprise apps. It contains tools for developing Java Server Faces (JSF), Java Persistence API (JPA) entities, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs), Servlets, and other components.

  • Project Wizards and Templates − MyEclipse provides project wizards and templates to help you develop Java EE projects quickly. These templates serve as a foundation for a variety of Java EE frameworks and technologies, minimizing boilerplate code and configuration.

  • Application Servers Integration − Apache Tomcat, WildFly (previously JBoss), IBM WebSphere, and Oracle WebLogic are among the prominent application servers with which MyEclipse interacts. With this interface, developers may deploy and test applications directly from the IDE.

  • Database Tools − MyEclipse includes powerful database tools for managing database connections, creating and modifying database schemas, and running SQL queries. It supports a variety of database systems, making it easier for developers to deal with databases when developing applications.

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Support − While MyEclipse concentrates on Java EE development, it also includes key tools for front-end web development. It provides code assistance, syntax highlighting, and validation for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • JSF Visual Designer − MyEclipse includes a visual designer for Java Server Faces (JSF) that allows developers to visually design web pages, making complicated user interfaces for web applications easier to create.

  • Spring and Hibernate Tools − MyEclipse includes integrated tools for the Spring Framework and Hibernate, two major Java EE frameworks. These tools make it easier to configure and manage Spring beans and Hibernate entities.

  • Version Control Integration − MyEclipse interacts with version control systems such as Git, SVN, and CVS, allowing developers to manage their source code repositories directly from the IDE.

  • Debugging and Testing − MyEclipse offers sophisticated debugging features for Java EE applications, including the ability to set breakpoints, inspect variables, and step through code while debugging. It also allows for integration with testing frameworks to help with unit testing.

Difference between Eclipse and MyEclipse

The following table highlights the major differences between Eclipse and MyEclipse −




Visual JSF Designer

No visual designer for JSF

Built-in visual designer for JSF

Database Tools

Basic database tools

Robust database tools


Free and open-source

Commercial with licensing fees

Application Servers

Supports various servers via plugins

Integrated support for popular application servers

Java EE Focus

Limited Java EE support

Extensive Java EE support

Enterprise Integration

Limited enterprise-oriented features

Tailored for enterprise Java development

Code Assistance

Similar code assist as Eclipse

Additional code assist for Java EE and frameworks


Standard code refactoring options

Additional refactoring options for Java EE

Community Support

Strong community support and large ecosystem

Professional support and active user community


Basic support for front-end technologies

Enhanced support for web development

Build & Deployment

Supports various build systems

Same as Eclipse


In conclusion, Eclipse is a comprehensive open-source IDE that supports a wide range of programming languages, whereas MyEclipse is a commercial version built on Eclipse that focuses on offering enterprise-level Java development tools and features.

The choice between the two would be determined by the developers' unique needs and preferences, as well as the projects they are working on.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023


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