Difference between cloud computing and Hadoop

Globally, Development in Cloud Computing always goes towards almost all IT investments. On the other hand, many businesses have started storing and analyzing the ever-increasing amounts of data in Hadoop.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud Computing always simplify for referring to the internet. Rather than keeping them on the local hard disc, Cloud Computing is the best for moving your applications, computer data, and files to an external server in the cloud.

Main Advantages of cloud Computing are

  • Elasticity − Cloud computing provides elasticity by allowing organizations to consume only the necessary resources. To accommodate rising or falling computer demands, businesses can scale up or down their consumption accordingly.

  • Self-service provisioning − It's no longer necessary to have IT personnel provide and manage hardware and software. As Users may use the resources for almost any kind of task whenever they need them.

  • Pay-per-use − Computer power is billed on an as-needed basis. Customers pay solely for the resources they really utilize in the cloud.

There are three models public, private, and hybrid—that are viable options for providing cloud computing services.

  • Public Cloud − Services in public clouds are often billed minute-by-minute or hourly. In the case of public clouds, a third party often offers its services to users over the internet. Customers are only charged for the actual resources they consume.

  • Private Cloud − When it comes to administration, control, and security, private clouds are preferable since they maintain the same level of adaptability and convenience as public ones. With private clouds, an organization's internal users may access data stored at the company's data center.

  • Hybrid Cloud − Hybrid clouds allow businesses to split their workloads between the private and public clouds. Hybrid Cloud works the requisite level of automation and coordination between the two types of clouds.

What is Hadoop?

Hadoop is an open-source ecosystem created by the Apache Software Foundation. The Java-based framework provides support for analyzing. It stores huge amounts of data in a shared HDFS compute file system. Hadoop is a collection of libraries for working with data and associated data science technologies. Hadoop has the processing capability to handle data of immense size, diversity, velocity, and reliability.

Hadoop has been increasingly popular over the past decade for massive amounts of data that can be mined for insights via predictive analytics, data science, and machine learning.

  • Hadoop Common − Other Hadoop modules, like auxiliary libraries and tools, are supported through Hadoop Common.

  • HDFS − In the Hadoop Distributed File System, data can be stored on a cluster of commodity computers. Its purpose is to boost cluster-wide bandwidth to extremely high levels.

  • Hadoop YARN − It is a framework that is in charge of managing clusters' worth of computing resources. It's a handy tool for organizing people.

  • Hadoop MapReduce − Hadoop MapReduce is a program that uses the paradigm to process massive amounts of data.

Difference between Cloud Computing and Hadoop

So, here we'll discuss a brief contrast between Hadoop and Cloud computing.

Sr. No. Cloud Computing Hadoop
1. All of your files, programs, and data can be granted from anywhere in the world. Hadoop makes use of the cluster-based distributed file system HDFS computational architecture. It analyses data nodes and stores massive data collections.
2. The reports and graphs are generated by the cloud management interface, and they offer a comprehensive examination of cloud utilization. Data reporting technologies like Tableau, Microstrategy, and Qlik are all linked to the Hadoop database.
3. The main concerns of cloud computing are the reliability of the speed of the network, the system, the accessibility of the system, and the safety of stored data. Hadoop's primary purpose is to process huge amounts of both structured and unstructured data.
4. All the Information will be sent to distant servers, where it will be processed and stored. From there, it'll be accessible from anywhere. After processing the data, newly and previously unseen patterns emerge with it.
5. Cloud services rely on the accessibility and reliability of the Internet to deliver their promised benefits to customers. As Hadoop is a data processing framework with elementary programming concepts, You won't find it difficult to use.
6. Data backup and restoration are optional, with minimal effort required. More space is required, as it's more challenging to restore deleted data.
7. Accessing data on the cloud is quick. Hadoop's performance is reliant on the speed of the system's CPU and any additional processors that may be installed.
8. Public, Private, and Hybrid are the three major classifications of Cloud services. We can find HDFS, Hive, MapReduce, and YARN in Hadoop.


So, here are the eight main comparisons between cloud computing and Hadoop. Cloud computing is similar to a desktop, where different programs are installed and kept up to date virtually. On the other hand, Hadoop is computer software that can be connected to a computer. Through the Hadoop, many machines work together in real-time, as it represents sophisticated ideas in computer science.

Updated on: 03-Feb-2023


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