Difference between Acupuncture and Acupressure

Both acupuncture and acupressure rely on applying pressure to specific acupoints in the body in order to alleviate pain and relax tight muscles. Acupoints are the points of pressure. There are hundreds of these acupoints, also called energy points, scattered throughout the body. Meridians are the pathways that connect the energy nodes. Applying pressure here might help you feel better by opening up the energy pathways.

Traditional Chinese medicine includes acupuncture as one of its pillars. Evidence for this was uncovered in the field of medicine, namely in a book titled The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine. The acupuncture pressure points are mapped out here for your convenience. The same acupuncture sites are employed in modern practice.

Acupressure, which developed at around the same time as acupuncture, is one component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), which includes a wide range of other practices. The pressure points and meridians used in acupuncture and acupressure are identical.

What is Acupuncture Treatment?

Needles and pressure points are used in acupuncture to alleviate stress and discomfort. More study is needed to master the subtle skill of needle placement that can help the body relax and heal. Practitioners of acupuncture are required to hold valid licences in order to do so.

Acupuncture has been rumoured to have better results than acupressure. Multiple areas of the body can be treated simultaneously. As a result, there is a greater increase in energy flow. Integrating acupuncture with conventional Western medicine and chiropractic care is possible and has shown positive results.

What is Acupressure Treatment?

Combined with acupuncture, this is an alternative medical approach based on the theory of chi's circulation along channels called meridians. In order to treat it, doctors often apply pressure to acupuncture or trigger points. The goal here is to remove obstacles. Devices, the elbow, and the hands are all used to provide pressure.

There is no proof that acupressure works, although a few studies have shown that it alleviates some types of pain, including tension in the back, discomfort in the low back, and stomach aches.

Applying pressure, rolling, or stroking on the sensitive zones is all part of the acupressure process. The acuball, energy roller, foot roller, power mat, and Teishein are just a few of the equipment available.

Differences: Acupuncture and Acupressure

The following table highlights the major differences between Acupuncture and Acupressure −





A traditional Chinese medical practise that involves the insertion of needles into certain acupoints on the body.

A traditional Chinese medical practise in which pressure is administered to certain acupuncture sites utilising various parts of the body.

Who can practice?

Only a qualified practitioner with a valid licence should insert the needles used in acupuncture treatments.

One can practise acupressure at home by pressing on specific acupoints with various portions of one's own body.


Healing via acupuncture occurs on several levels because it travels along the body's energy pathways, called meridians.

Pressure is applied externally to particular areas on the body in acupressure, which is mostly a surface therapy.


Acupuncture is more involved, and although there are home-use kits available, they may only be used after being approved by a licenced acupuncturist.

It is possible to study acupressure by watching videos or having it demonstrated to you.


The main distinction between acupuncture and acupressure is that the latter employs physical pressure on the pressure points, while the former requires needles put under the skin. The pressure is applied using various body parts.

Acupoints are stimulated by applying pressure to them with the elbows, knuckles, or other regions of the body. When needles are used in acupuncture, they are inserted into certain acupoints in the body to alleviate tension or pressure. Acupuncture is said to work better because it can reach further into the obstructed meridians.

Updated on: 01-Mar-2023


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