Creating Language Translator in Android using Firebase ML Kit


In today’s advanced civilization, language translation is important for communication. For ease, Android apps are used for the purpose as its handy and can be carried anywhere. Users can type or speak in these apps and choose the required language and the apps do the same for the users.

In this article, we would be learning about how we can create a language translator in Android using Firebase ML kit.

Introduction to the Firebase ML Kit for Language Translation

Google’s firebase ML kit is one of the easiest and powerful tool for language translation. It supports both Android and iOS. Firebase ML kit developers are able to develop language translators in real time for both platforms, with a small knowledge regarding concepts of Machine Learning.

Setting up the Development Environment

Android Studio is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development. Below given steps from installation to creating a new project in Android studio.

Installing Android Studio

  • Downloading and installing Android Studio on the development machine.

  • Ensuring the system requirements are met for Android Studio.

  • Configuring necessary SDKs and tools for Android development.

Configuring Firebase ML Kit in Android Studio

  • Creating a Firebase project in the Firebase console.

  • Enabling the ML Kit API in the Firebase project.

  • Obtaining the Firebase configuration files for Android Studio integration.

Creating a new Android project

  • After installation, launch the Android studio.

  • Choose New Project option

  • Choose the desired templates and configuring project settings.

  • Setting up the project structure and dependencies for Firebase ML Kit integration.

Integrating Firebase ML Kit in Android Project

To use Firebase ML kit, some dependencies are needed to be installed. Here’s how you can add them to your libraries.

Adding Firebase ML Kit dependencies

  • Open the project in Android Studio.

  • Add the necessary dependencies in the project's build.gradle file.

  • Sync the project to download the Firebase ML Kit libraries.

Configuring Firebase ML Kit in the project

  • Create a new Firebase project or use an existing one.

  • Connect the Android project to the Firebase project.

  • Configure the Firebase ML Kit in the project settings.

Enabling the language translation API

  • In the Firebase console, enable the ML Kit Translation API.

  • Obtain the API key or authentication credentials required for translation.

  • Enable any necessary permissions or billing options for the API usage.IV. Designing the User Interface

Designing the User Interface

Creating the layout for language translation screen

  • Determine the structure and visual elements of the language translation screen.

  • Design an intuitive and user-friendly layout that accommodates input and output areas for translation.

  • Consider several factors like text input, language selection, and translation output.

Adding some necessary UI components

  • Identify the essential UI components.

  • Include text input and output fields for translation.

  • Implement dropdown or radio buttons, for users to choose source and target languages.

Handling user input and displaying translation results

  • Implement logic to capture user input from the text input fields.

  • Use appropriate event handling mechanisms to trigger translation requests when user input is provided.

  • Display the translation results in a clear and readable format, ensuring that the translated text is visible to the user.

  • Consider incorporating additional features like auto-suggestions or error handling for a better user experience.

Implementing Language Translation with Firebase ML Kit

Setting up Firebase ML Kit language translation services

  • Initializing Firebase ML Kit in the Android project

  • Enabling the language translation API in the Firebase console

  • Configuring the Firebase ML Kit language options

Loading language translation models

  • Understanding the concept of language models in Firebase ML Kit

  • Downloading language translation models from Firebase ML Kit

  • Managing language models in the Android project

Performing text translation using Firebase ML Kit

  • Obtaining input text from the user

  • Implementing the translation functionality using Firebase ML Kit APIs

  • Handling translation results and displaying them to the user

  • Dealing with error scenarios and providing appropriate feedback to the user

Enhancing the Translation Experience

Implementing language detection

  • The input language can be automatically identified using the language identification tool in Firebase ML Kit.

  • The language of the user's input must be identified, hence it is recommended to include a language identification system.

  • Provide more precise translations in the identified language to enhance the overall user experience.

Handling translation errors and fallback mechanisms

  • To deal with possible faults or problems in translation, you should set up error handling systems.

  • If the translation service has problems or the requested translation is unavailable, relevant error messages or fallback translations should be provided.

  • To guarantee a smooth translation experience, it's a good idea to have fallback methods in place, such as alternate translation providers or a default language.

Supporting multiple languages and localization

  • Integrate language packs or translation models from Firebase ML Kit to enable support for a wide variety of languages.

  • Allow users to select their preferred input and output languages by implementing language selection options.

  • You should think about adding localization capabilities so that you may offer a translated and regionally-specific user interface. options based on the user's device settings or preferences.

Testing and Debugging

Testing the language translation functionality

After putting in language translation features, it is very important to test the application fully. This includes trying different situations, such as translating between different languages, handling long texts, and making sure the translations are correct. Proper testing helps find and fix any problems or differences in the translation process.

Debugging common issues and errors

During testing or real-world use, it's normal to run into problems or mistakes related to language translation. These problems can include mistakes in the translation, problems with performance, or strange behavior. Tools and techniques for debugging can be used to find and fix these problems, making sure that the language translation feature works as it should.

Deploying the Application

Generating a signed APK for release

Once you have finished developing and testing your language translation app, the next step is to generate a signed APK for release. A signed APK is necessary to ensure that your app comes from a trusted source and can be installed on users' devices. Here's how you can generate a signed APK −

  • Open Android Studio and select your project.

  • Go to "Build" in the top menu and choose "Generate Signed Bundle/APK."

  • Select "APK" and click "Next."

  • Create or choose a keystore to sign the APK. A keystore is a file that contains cryptographic keys for signing your app.

  • Fill in the required information, such as keystore password, key alias, and key password.

  • Choose the build type (debug or release) and the destination folder to save the signed APK.

  • Click "Finish" to generate the signed APK.

Uploading the application to the Google Play Store

After generating the signed APK, you can proceed to upload your language translation app to the Google Play Store for distribution to a wider audience. Follow these steps to upload your app −

  • Go to the Google Play Developer Console and sign in with your Google account.

  • Click on "Create Application" and choose a default language for your app's store listing.

  • Enter the title, short description, full description, and screenshots of your app.

  • Upload the APK that you generated in the previous step.

  • Provide details such as the category, content rating, and contact information.

  • Set the pricing and distribution options for your app. You can choose whether to make it free or charge for it, and select the countries where it will be available.

  • Review all the information and click "Submit" to publish your app on the Google Play Store.

Publishing and distributing the language translation app

Once your app is approved, it will be available for download on the Google Play Store in the selected countries.


In conclusion, utilizing Firebase ML Kit to create an Android language translator for mobile apps is a strong and quick solution. Firebase ML Kit lets developers provide seamless translation experiences to users, expanding global communication and accessibility.

Updated on: 05-Oct-2023


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