Binary Tree Postorder Traversal in Python

Suppose we have a binary tree. We have to find the post order traversal of this tree using the iterative approach. So if the tree is like −

Then the output will be: [9,15,7,10,-10]

To solve this, we will follow these steps −

  • if root is null, then return empty array

  • create an array ret

  • stack := define a stack with pair [root, 0]

  • while stack is not empty −

    • node := top of stack, then delete element from stack.

    • if second value of node pair is 0, then

      • current := first value of node pair

      • insert a pair (current, 1) into stack

      • if right of current is present −

        • insert a pair [right of current, 0] into stack

      • if left of current is present −

        • insert a pair [left of current, 0] into stack

    • Otherwise when data of the first value node pair is not 0, then insert the data of the first value of node into res

  • return res


Let us see the following implementation to get a better understanding −

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class TreeNode:
   def __init__(self, data, left = None, right = None): = data
      self.left = left
      self.right = right
def insert(temp,data):
   que = []
   while (len(que)):
      temp = que[0]
      if (not temp.left):
         if data is not None:
            temp.left = TreeNode(data)
            temp.left = TreeNode(0)
      if (not temp.right):
         if data is not None:
            temp.right = TreeNode(data)
            temp.right = TreeNode(0)
def make_tree(elements):
   Tree = TreeNode(elements[0])
   for element in elements[1:]:
      insert(Tree, element)
   return Tree
class Solution(object):
   def postorderTraversal(self, root):
      if not root:
         return []
      res = []
      stack = [[root,0]]
      while stack:
         node = stack[-1]
         if node[1]== 0 :
            current = node[0]
            if current.right:
            if current.left:
            if node[0].data != 0:
      return res

ob = Solution()
root = make_tree([-10,9,10,None,None,15,7])




[9, 15, 7, 10, -10]

Updated on: 26-May-2020


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