Rama Giri has Published 110 Articles

HTML DOM Input Color form Property

Rama Giri

Rama Giri

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The Input Color form property returns the reference of enclosing form for input color.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Returning reference to the form objectinputColorObject.formExampleLet us see an example of Input Color form property − Live Demo Input Color Form Color Picker:  Get Form ID   ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Color Object

Rama Giri

Rama Giri

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM Input Color Object represents an input HTML element with type color.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Creating an with type color −var colorObject = document.createElement(“input”); colorObject.type = “color”;AttributesHere, “colorObject” can have the following attributes −AttributesDescriptionautocompleteIt defines the value of autocomplete attribute of a color pickerautofocusIt defines if the ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Color value Property

Rama Giri

Rama Giri

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM Input Color value property returns a string, which represents the value of the input color value attribute. User can also set it to a new string.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Returning string valueinputColorObject.valueSetting value attribute to a string valueinputColorObject.value = ‘String’ExampleLet us see an example of Input Color value ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Date disabled Property

Rama Giri

Rama Giri

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM Input Date disabled property sets/returns whether Input Date is enabled or disabled.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Returning boolean value - true/falseinputDateObject.disabledSetting disabled to booleanValueinputDateObject.disabled = booleanValueBoolean ValueHere, “booleanValue” can be the following −booleanValueDetailstrueIt defines that the input date is disabled.falseIt defines that the input date is not disabled and ... Read More

HTML DOM Input Date name Property

Rama Giri

Rama Giri

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


The HTML DOM Input Date name property returns a string, which is the name attribute of input date. User can also set it to a new string.SyntaxFollowing is the syntax −Returning string valueinputDateObject.nameSetting name attribute to a string valueinputDateObject.name = ‘String’ExampleLet us see an example of Input Date name property − Live ... Read More

Adding a new column with the current time as a default value in MySQL?

Rama Giri

Rama Giri

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


For this, you can use the DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP clause in MySQL. Following is the syntax −CREATE TABLE yourTableName (    yourColumnName1 dataType1,    yourColumnName timestamp DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP );Let us first create a table −mysql> create table DemoTable    -> (    -> Id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,   ... Read More

Find the greatest value among four tables in MySQL?

Rama Giri

Rama Giri

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


To find the greatest value among four tables, you can use the method GREATEST(). Following is the query to create first table −mysql> create table DemoTable1    -> (    -> Value int    -> ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.70 sec)Insert some records in the first table using ... Read More

Remove seconds from MySQL Datetime?

Rama Giri

Rama Giri

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


To remove seconds from MySQL datetime, use UPDATE and SET as in the following syntax −update yourTableName set yourDateColumnName=yourDateColumnName -second(yourDateColumnName);Let us first create a table −mysql> create table DemoTable    -> (    -> Shippingdatetime datetime    -> ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.76 sec)Insert some records in the ... Read More

Order by on a specific number in MySQL?

Rama Giri

Rama Giri

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


Let us first create a table −mysql> create table DemoTable    -> (    -> status int    -> ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.66 sec)Insert some records in the table using insert command −mysql> insert into DemoTable values(30); Query OK, 1 row affected (0.17 sec) mysql> insert ... Read More

How to perform string matching in MySQL?

Rama Giri

Rama Giri

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


For string matching, use LIKE operator. Let us first create a table −mysql> create table DemoTable    -> (    -> MonthName varchar(100)    -> ); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.63 sec)Insert some records in the table using insert command −mysql> insert into DemoTable values('JFMA'); Query OK, 1 row ... Read More

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