Found 175 Articles for World History

The Nazi Ideology and Worldview

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:45:52


Introduction The Nazi ideology solely supported a racial hierarchy and rejected the idea of human equality. This placed the Jews at the bottom and the Nordic German Aryans at the top. People of all other hues were positioned in between. Spencer contributed the idea of Survival of the Fittest to Darwin's theory of Natural Selection, which he put out to explain biological evolution. These hypotheses contributed to our knowledge of how complex species developed from simpler ones. Hitler used Darwin and Spencer's theories to fit his own worldview. Hitler desired human action to secure the eradication of other races, but ... Read More

Second World War

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:47:00


Introduction In 1939, World War II began. This conflict was the most destructive in terms of damage and devastation. Causes of the Second World War The primary reasons of World War II are as stated below. Dissatisfaction with the Versailles Treaty The stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles were unpopular in Germany and Italy. Germany was subjected to a number of tight limitations. It had a sizable war indemnity, and France had taken control of its mineral-rich Saar and Rhineland regions. The entire German colony in Asia and Africa was taken by force. Her ability to wage war was ... Read More

Rise of USSR as a Global Power

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:48:38


Introduction The USSR was a country in Eurasia that existed from 1922 to 1991. The USSR was formed by merging the Russian, Ukrainian, and Byelo Soviet Socialist Republics. The USSR was one of the world's first constitutionally socialist states, with state ownership over the means of production being widespread. The USSR, commonly known as the Soviet Union, was the world's first and largest communist country. The Soviet Union was the face of communism and, until its dissolution in 1991, was engaged in competition between the Western capitalist forces represented by the United States and NATO. Beginnings of the USSR ... Read More

Post-War Recovery and Economic Rebuilding

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:50:16


Introduction In the gap of two decades, another World War broke out and it was between two major groups the Axis powers and Allied powers, this war went on for six years and it was fought on air, land, and sea. The casualties and deaths were more than the First World War and it is said to have crossed at least 60 million people or about 3 percent of the world’s population. During World War 2, the battle was fought outside the battlefields and numerous cities were bombarded in Europe and Asia. After the war, there was a major change ... Read More

Impact of First World War on Germany

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:51:29


Introduction Local conflict between Serbia and Austria-Hungary sparked the First World War in 1914. It turned into a 32-nation war as a result. Britain, France, Russia, and Italy nations engaged in combat with the Central Powers, including Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire, Germany, and Austria-Hungary. A Serb killed Austria-Hungarian Archduke Ferdinand on June 28, 1914. Britain, France, and Germany all had developed into powerful nations with big armies. They all desired to export their goods to other countries. Britain, France, and Germany had already engaged in heated debates about African markets. Two tribes that were opposed to one another were split ... Read More

German Society under Nazi rule

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:53:01


Introduction As a totalitarian state, Nazi Germany strove to impose its rule over all facets of society. This was felt by Germans in four places − The police state The economy Social policy Persecution. The Police State Hitler utilised three methods to keep the German people under his thumb. They are as follows − Security Forces (SS) − This group was in charge of keeping the populace under control and dealing with any dangers the Nazis could face. It operated concentration camps where enemies of the state were transferred and managed the Gestapo (secret police), which ... Read More

Effects of Deforestation

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:54:01


Introduction Millions of different species of flora and wildlife across the world find refuge in forests. The advantages of forests, however, go well beyond the fauna that calls them home. By balancing greenhouse gas emissions, improving the quality of the air in our atmosphere, and preventing climate change, they play a critical part in the global carbon cycle. But when businesses clear more and more of our forests to create a place for industry and agriculture, the effects affect the whole globe. Every year, deforestation damages our ecosystem, has an influence on human life, and results in the deaths of ... Read More

Economic and Technological advancement in the 19th Century

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:56:52


Introduction With trade routes and the exchange of technology and knowledge, the economy also started to grow and by the 19th century, the world economy grew with growing social, and cultural interactions which reshaped societies and external relations. But certain economists had structured the movements of international exchanges into three. This is the trade that is referred to as trade in goods. The flow of labor The most important one is the flow of capital from long-distance locations which is either short-term or long-term. To understand the working of the world economy it is essential to look at ... Read More

Indian Coins, Cities, Crafts and Craftsmen

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 15:59:00


Introduction Ancient India has the roots of many practices and the culture that we practice and follow today. In this tutorial, we’ll be tracing the roots of a few parts of our civilization - Coins, Cities with many functions, Crafts, and Craftsmen. Coins By researchers, records of millions of coins are found in the ancient Indian history. They found that coins marked by punches were the first coinage system and circulation of these coins remained for roughly 500 years. Because the pattern or designs were punched into the metal – copper or silver — they are given this name i.e. ... Read More

Birth of the Weimar Republic

Bitopi Kaashyap
Updated on 29-Dec-2023 16:01:05


Introduction The Weimar Republic was a democratic republic in Germany from 1919 to 1933. The name "Weimar" is taken from the city of Weimar, where the assembly established this republic met between 1919 and 1920. After World War I, it was established and lasted until 1933, when Adolf Hitler came to power. The Weimar Republic is also known as the "Republic of the Centre" because it was formed by political parties that were not on either side of the German Civil War (1918–19). During these years, it had three different presidents: Friedrich Ebert, Paul von Hindenburg, and Wilhelm Marx. The ... Read More

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