Found 67 Articles for Skills

How can I improve my spoken English?

Shankar Bhatt
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:24


No one can deny the value of English in the current era where it becomes difficult to survive without the knowledge of this precious language. Moreover, you receive a fine bouquet of respect and honor by folks around you if you are a good orator of this language. Knowing English also gives you a great social status and adds value to your personality.Therefore, it becomes imperative to speak in English. But how? Because, for some, it’s extremely difficult to utter even a few words in English when asked. They literally start trembling. But what? Speaking in English is must as ... Read More

What are some helpful English phrases that can improve my English?

Shankar Bhatt
Updated on 25-Jun-2020 12:15:11


A language can be easily learned by attempting the use of the things you see around, especially the phrases, which can help you improve your written as well as spoken English. The following Idioms belong to the word 'Blue’. Take a look!Blue-Sky (Fictitious)Usage − Blue sky thinking will yield nothing.Bluestocking (A Wise and Educated Lady)Usage − A bluestocking like her is not approved of by some men.Make Me Blue(Depressed, Melancholy)Usage − That music always makes me blue.Blue Jokes(Obscene, Vulgar, Dirty.)Those blue jokes don’t go over very well around here.Out of the Blue(The Sky, The Heavens)The idea came to me right out ... Read More

How to improve your soft skills?

sahas salguti
Updated on 18-May-2022 11:33:11


Soft skills always revolve around your personal relationships such as your attitude and character. You have to slowly develop and nurture these skills by working and increasing your work performance, build stronger relationships and work very hard towards your promotion.You need to develop your communication skills, strengthen your personal relationships and demonstrate your personal enthusiasm to show your managers and superiors that your soft skills are top notch.These can be done through the following ways:Express yourself − First focus on your communication skills. This could be very simple as something as determining whether your colleague is free for lunch or ... Read More

Why Indian Vehicles steering is on Left Side while few Foreign countries in right side?

Shanmukh Pasumarthy
Updated on 29-Apr-2022 11:23:06

4K+ Views

Left side driving is followed by the British and the habit dates back to the period when people used to ride on a horse. Historians believe it has started with the idea that It will be convenient if you keep your right hand free to greet someone or to draw a sword if someone attacks you.During the 17th and 18th centuries, most of the countries were British colonies and they also followed the same rule, including India. Along with UK and India many countries like Australia, Japan, Hong Kong, Kenya, Ireland, Jamaica, Malta, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand etc., still have ... Read More

Do you agree that no subject is boring if taught skillfully?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 26-Apr-2022 08:35:31


There's no doubt about it but we must not forget that the aptitude of the learner is also a critical factor in this matter. For instance, mathematics isn't everybody's cup of tea and for those who don't have the mental attributes to think through the problems that mathematics solve, it will be like a very difficult roller coaster ride. Hence, without the right aptitude, it's going to be very difficult to learn any subject even if it is taught skillfully. Many a time, it's all about understanding the student's aptitude, which good teachers are able to notice and make the ... Read More

How do you know when it's time to move on from your current company?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 07:35:52


It really depends on your comfort level at your place of work and that's as basic as it gets. The irony here is that you just can't afford to feel comfortable in any place of work for the simple reason that these places aren't designed for comfort. You have to operate like a special forces soldier in enemy territory, alert and alive to the slightest movement in your immediate vicinity or beyond.Find Your Comfort In DiscomfortAs they say in the special forces, you sleep with one eye open and your boots on and you will have to find your comfort ... Read More

What is “Rangoli’ and what is its significance?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 29-Apr-2022 06:55:25

1K+ Views

A Rangoli is a beautiful and colorful floor design or motif that is found in Hindu households in the Indian subcontinent although the term can differ as you move towards eastern India where it is known as Alpana. A Rangoli is generally created by the women of a house although in some houses the men also become part of this creative expression. It is created with organic powdery material which is essentially organic such as powdered rice as well as flour of different grains, turmeric, sandal, flower extracts, leaf extracts and specific kind of soil extracts. Many Rangolis are made ... Read More

I have been planning to write a novel since long but could not put even a single step yet. What should I do to carry this out?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 28-Apr-2022 07:44:13


"When you have to shoot...shoot...don't talk". That's an epic dialogue from an old Hollywood film from the 1960s titled, "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" which is part of a series of three films known by their genre title, "The Dollar Trilogy", that became a huge international box office hit.No More Planning, Please!My advice would be to start writing and stop planning any further but first, let's understand why you haven't been able to start writing so far. It could be due to the fact that you still haven't identified the genre and subject of your novel. Honestly, you ... Read More

What to do to become an interpreter?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 12:20:04


An Interpreter or a Professional translator is a very good career. There are some basic requirements to become one.You need to be a graduate to become an Interpreter.Should be fluent in at least 2 languagesYou can attend formal Interpreter training and attain some kind of certification which is optional.Strong communication skills i.e., fluent speaking skills and excellent listening skills are a must to become an Interpreter.

Which is the best institute for ethical hacking in India?

siddhartha kotamraju
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 12:20:36


Cyber Security jobs are growing three times faster than information technology jobs. And there are very few candidates available with the required skills. Some of the career prospects in Cyber Security include information assurance, security analyst, penetration tester, malware analyst/reverse engineering and Intel.There are almost 200 institutes in major cities of India which give training in ethical hacking. Out of them, a maximum number of institutes are available in the capital, Delhi. Cybersecurity coaching is an expensive affair.Indian Cyber Security Solutions is an ISO certified institute, which has branches in major cities of India and is regarded as the best ... Read More
